
Accomplishments, 153

Acetylcholine, 10

Active voice, 130–132

Aggregating, 224, 225

American Sign Language, 173

Amygdala, 9

Analogy, 55–57

Anchoring, 231–232

Answering, 61–62

Anterior cingulate cortex, 8

Appearance, 164

Aronson, Elliot, 132

Articles, 115–118

Attire, 82

Audience, 13–16

attention, 25–26

benefits to, 17–18

communicators and, 224–225

responding to, 184–185

Authority, 49–50

Bad boss, 222–223

BLUF Method, 23–24

Board on Administration, Regulation and Finance (BARF), 53–54

Body language, 83, 171–172

Brain, 1–10

BS, 94–95

Buffett, Warren, 56

Business clichés, 84–85

Cerebellum, 9

Chinese, 115, 117, 118

Chunking, 140

Churchill, Winston, 55, 161, 178

Cialdini, Robert, 29, 49, 50

Coherent paragraphs, 138–139

Commitment and consistency, ...

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