3174 Network Server in Frame Relay and Multiprotocol

Book description

The 3174 Establishment Controller is an important component, when acting
as a networking server, in high-speed WAN.

This document describes the 3174 Establishment Controller Configuration
Support-C Release 5 and 6 Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Frame Relay
Communications Feature customization. It serves as a guide for
understanding and implementing 3174 frame relay support in various

The focus will be on the 3174 customization in frame relay networks when
using the following functions and protocols:

Classic SNA over frame relay
APPN over frame relay
TCP/IP over frame relay
Remote bridging via frame relay

This publication is intended for IBM and customer system engineers, system
planners, system programmers and network administrators who need to know
how to customize the 3174 WAN communications functions, with an emphasis
on 3174 frame relay and remote bridging communications functions. It
relates the customization responses to the various IBM products that exist
in the same frame relay network with the 3174: 3745/NCP V7, 6611/MPNP,
RouteXpander/2, 3172 and AS/400.

Table of contents

  1. Figures (1/2)
  2. Figures (2/2)
  3. Tables
  4. Special Notices
  5. Preface
    1. How This Document is Organized
  6. Related Publications
    1. International Technical Support Organization Publications
    2. ITSO Redbooks on the World Wide Web (WWW)
    3. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1: 3174 in WAN and Multiprotocol Networks
    1. SDLC Support
    2. X.25 Support
    3. ISDN Support
    4. Frame Relay Support
    5. Benefits of Frame Relay
  8. Chapter 2: Adding the 3174 to Your Frame Relay Network
    1. Frame Relay Communications Feature
    2. Frame Relay Configurations
    3. Model Support
    4. Adapter Type and Speed
    5. Storage Requirements
    6. Limitations
    7. The Physical Layer
    8. The Data Link Control Layer
    9. Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
    10. Multiprotocol Support with Source Route Bridging
    11. Local Management Interface (LMI)
    12. LMI Operation
    13. LMI Counters and Timers
    14. LMI Error Reports
    15. LMI Frame Formats
    16. Congestion and Bandwidth Management in the 3174
    17. Interface to the Remote Partner (RFC1490)
    18. FR Encapsulation Header Field Description
    19. SNA and APPN Frame Format
    20. IP Traffic To/ From 3174 IP Function
    21. Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (InARP)
    22. Fragmentation of Large Frames
    23. Fragmented Frame Formats for IP
    24. Discovery and Activation Flow for IP
    25. Special Point- to- Point Considerations
  9. Chapter 3: 3174 Frame Relay Communications Implementation
    1. Customization Panels for Frame Relay
    2. Definition for the Frame Relay Feature
    3. Defining the Optional DLCI Addresses
    4. Updated 3174 Customization Panels
    5. Example Scenario
    6. Customization Panel Flow
    7. Configure frame relay for SNA Multi- Host, APPN and Gateway
    8. Getting Started
    9. Description of Primary Frame Relay Host
    10. Common SNA
    11. Common Network
    12. Describing the Gateway for Host 1A
    13. Describing the Frame Relay Link
    14. End User Productivity Functions Selection
    15. Definition for Single Link Host- 1B
    16. Defining Logical Terminal Assignment (LTA)
    17. APPN Node and Network Resources Definitions
    18. Online Test Options for Frame Relay
    19. Status Codes (SC) Sequences at 3174 Startup
    20. The Frame Relay Network Cloud
  10. Chapter 4: 3174 Frame Relay and SNA/APPN
    1. Scenario 1: Frame Relay Connections to Two Hosts
    2. Frame Relay Connection Using NCP V7R1 BNN Function
    3. Customization
    4. Defining the Single- Link Multi- Host Via the Frame Relay Link
    5. Customizing the 3174 Host-1A Link
    6. Frame Relay Link Definition
    7. Customizing the 3174 Host-1B Link
    8. This is Logical Terminal Assignment for MLT
    9. Defining the 3174 APPN Resources
    10. NCP Definitions for Frame Relay BNN
    11. VTAM Definitions
    12. Configuring the Communications Manager/ 2
    13. Configuring Personal Communication AS/ 400 and 3270
    14. Verification for 3174
    15. Verification for CM/ 2 Links and Sessions
    16. VTAM Displays for RAI
    17. VTAM Displays for RAK
    18. Scenario 2: Multiple Host Access over Frame Relay
    19. DLUR Connection Via a 3174 Network Node
    20. 3174-11R and 3174-43R Customizations
    21. Defining the 3174-11R Attachments
    22. Frame Relay Link Description
    23. APPN Node and DLUR Definitions
    24. 3174- 43R Customization (8250 WNM)
    25. Definitions for Host-1A
    26. Frame Relay Link Description
    27. Definitions for Host-1B
    28. APPN Node and DLUR Definitions
    29. Logical Terminal Assignment for MLT
    30. NCP Definitions
    31. VTAM Definitions
    32. PS/ 2 Customization
    33. Activation
    34. Verification for 3174-11R (1/2)
    35. Verification for 3174-11R (2/2)
    36. Verification for PS/ 2
    37. Verification for 3174- 43R (8250 WAN Module)
  11. Chapter 5: 3174 TCP/IP Support with Frame Relay
    1. TCP/ IP Telnet Client Support
    2. TCP/ IP Routing Support
    3. Processing for ASCII TELNET and TN3270
    4. TCP/ IP Connectivity with Frame Relay
    5. Scenario 3: 3174 TCP/ IP Telnet Client Support with Frame Relay
    6. Configuration Diagram
    7. Definition Overview
    8. TCP/ IP Customization with Frame Relay Support
    9. Model/ Attach
    10. Ethernet Description
    11. Defining the DLCI for Host Attachment
    12. Common SNA Panel
    13. Common Network
    14. Frame Relay Index Assignment
    15. 940: LAN Address Assignment
    16. 941: LAN Transmission Definition
    17. 117: Port Address Assignment for CUT Devices
    18. 117: Port Address Assignment for ASCII Devices
    19. Frame Relay Description
    20. End User Productivity Functions
    21. Device Definition
    22. TCP/ IP and AEA Customization (1/3)
    23. TCP/ IP and AEA Customization (2/3)
    24. TCP/ IP and AEA Customization (3/3)
    25. PS/ 2 Definitions for Ethernet and DSPU
    26. Communication Manager/ 2 Definitions
    27. PS/ 2 TCP/ IP Configuration Files
    28. VTAM/ NCP Definitions for SNA and TELNET
    29. Definitions
    30. Definitions
    31. Controller Verification
    32. TCP/ IP Telnet Client Verification
    33. VTAM Displays for 3270 and Telnet Host Sessions
    34. PS/ 2 Verification
    35. Scenario 4: 3174 IP Routing
    36. Scenario 4: Configuration Diagram
    37. Scenario 4: Configuration Description
    38. 3174- 11R Customizing
    39. Route Definitions in 6611
    40. Route Definitions in 3172
    41. Route Definitions in PS/ 2
    42. Verification from the 3174 Perspective
    43. Verification from the PS/ 2 Perspective
    44. Scenario 5: 3174 TCP/ IP and APPN with AS/ 400
    45. Scenario 5: Configuration Diagram
    46. Scenario 5: Configuration Description
    47. 3174- 11R Customizing
    48. Device Definition
    49. APPN Customization
    50. TCP/ IP and AEA Customization
    51. AS/ 400 Definitions
    52. CM/ 2 Definitions for TCP/ IP and 5250 Emulation
    53. PCOM Definitions
    54. VTAM Definitions
    55. TCP/ IP Route Definitions
    56. Verification from the 3174 Perspective
    57. Verification from the PS/ 2 Perspective
    58. Verification from the Host Perspective
  12. Chapter 6: 3174 Peer Communications and Bridging
    1. Source Route Bridging
    2. To Route or To Bridge?
    3. Introduction to 3174 Source Route Bridging
    4. Support of Source Route Bridging
    5. Multiport Bridging
    6. Storage Requirements
    7. Bridge Implementations
    8. Peer Communication
    9. Remote Bridging
    10. Interface to the Frame Relay Network
    11. Bridging Frames onto the Frame Relay Network
    12. Flows to Remote Partners
    13. Bridge Maximum Frame Forward Size
    14. Spanning Tree
    15. Multiport Bridge Restrictions
    16. Bridge Filters
    17. Filter Order
    18. Local Management Functions
    19. LAN Network Manager Support
    20. Customization for Source Route Bridging
    21. Peer Definition
    22. Source Route Bridge Definition
    23. Source Route Bridge Interfaces
    24. Manual Spanning Tree Mode
    25. Peer Bridge Profile
    26. Bridge Management
    27. Filter Definition
    28. Hop Count Filter
    29. Source SAP Filters
    30. SNAP Ethertype Filters
    31. Route Designator Filters
    32. MAC Address Filters
    33. Frame Data and Offset Filters
    34. Filter Order Definition
    35. Online Tests for Peer and Bridge Information
    36. Test Menu Configuration Support-C6
    37. Changes in Test 9
    38. Test 19, 3174 Peer and Bridge Information
    39. Test 19, Option 1, u: Peer Status (u= update)
    40. Test 19, Option 2, u: 3174 Source Route Bridge Profile (u= update)
    41. Test 19, Option 3,*,u: 3174 Source Route Bridge Port
    42. Test 19, Option 4, u: LAN Manager Profile (u= update)
    43. Test 19, Option 5,*,d,u: Filtering Statistics
    44. Connectivity with Source Route Remote Bridging
    45. Scenario 6: Bridging between Two 3174s
    46. Configuration Diagram for Routed Network
    47. Customization
    48. Defining the 3174- 11R Peer Communication
    49. Peer Communication Definition for OS/ 2 (WS- D)
    50. Network Definition File (NDF) for Workstations A, C, and D
    51. Customization for TCP/ IP
    52. TCP/ IP Route Definitions for WS- A and WS- B
    53. VTAM and NCP Definitions
    54. Verification of the Routed Network
    55. Configuration Diagram for the Bridged Network
    56. Logical View of Bridged Network
    57. Changes to the 3174- 11R Configuration
    58. Changes to the APPN Configuration
    59. Changes to the TCP/ IP Definitions
    60. New: 3174- 13R Peer and Bridges Configuration
    61. Changes to the 3174- 43R Configuration
    62. Changes to the APPN Configuration
    63. Changes to the TCP/ IP Definitions
    64. New: 3174- 43R Peer and Bridges Configuration
    65. Changes to Workstation Definitions
    66. Changes to VTAM/ NCP Definitions
    67. Verifying the Bridge Operation (1/4)
    68. Verifying the Bridge Operation (2/4)
    69. Verifying the Bridge Operation (3/4)
    70. Verifying the Bridge Operation (4/4)
    71. Scenario 7: Bridging between 3174 and RXR/ 2
    72. Scenario 7 Configuration Diagram
    73. RouteXpander/ 2 Source Route Bridging Function
    74. Configuration Description
    75. 3174- 13R Customizing (1/2)
    76. 3174- 13R Customizing (2/2)
    77. RouteExpander/ 2 Definitions (1/2)
    78. RouteExpander/ 2 Definitions (2/2)
    79. Verification of RXR/ 2 - 3174 Bridge Operation (1/3)
    80. Verification of RXR/ 2 - 3174 Bridge Operation (2/3)
    81. Verification of RXR/ 2 - 3174 Bridge Operation (3/3)
    82. Scenario 8: Bridging between 3174 and 6611
    83. Scenario 8 Configuration Diagram
    84. Customizing the 3174
    85. Bridge Definitions
    86. VTAM/ NCP Definitions
    87. Workstation Definition for APPN and SNA
    88. Workstation Definitions for TCP/ IP
    89. Bridge Definition for Frame Relay and Token- Ring
    90. Verification of 6611 - 3174 Bridge Operation (1/2)
    91. Verification of 6611 - 3174 Bridge Operation (2/2)
    92. Scenario 9: Bridged Traffic between 3174 and AS/ 400
    93. Scenario 9 Configuration Diagram
    94. 3174-11R Definitions
    95. VTAM Definitions
    96. AS/ 400 Definitions
    97. PS/ 2 definitions
    98. Verification
  13. Chapter 7: 3174 Point to Point Connection w/o Frame Relay Network
    1. Scenario 10 Configuration Diagram
    2. 3174-11R and 3174-43R Customizing
    3. Verification of Frame Relay Activation
  14. Chapter 8: Network Management Support for Frame Relay
    1. Generic Alerts
  15. Appendix A: Introduction to Frame Relay Communications
    1. 1 Fast Packet Switching
    2. Frame Relay, an International Standard
    3. 2.1 The Physical Layer
    4. 2.2 The Data Link Control Layer
    5. Congestion Control
    6. Local Management Interface (LMI) (1/2)
    7. Local Management Interface (LMI) (2/2)
    8. 2.5 LMI and the Group of Four
    9. Network- to- Network Interface (NNI)
    10. Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
    11. 3.1 IBM Frame Relay Extension
    12. 3.2 Bridged and Routed Protocol Data Units
    13. IEEE Logical Link Control 802.2
    14. 4.1 Dynamic Window Algorithm
    15. Frame Relay Access Device (FRAD)
    16. Private versus Public Frame Relay Network Service
    17. IBM Product Support
  16. Appendix B: 3174 The IDNX Frame Relay Network
    1. 1.1 IDNX Frame Relay Network
    2. 1.2 Definitions
    3. 1.3 DLCI connection within IDNX
  17. Appendix C: LMI Data Flow Example
  18. Appendix D: 3174 Frame Relay Feature Error Logs Table
    1. 1.1 New Status Codes (SC)
    2. 2 Error Logs
  19. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (1/6)
  20. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (2/6)
  21. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (3/6)
  22. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (4/6)
  23. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (5/6)
  24. Appendix E: Frame Relay Multiprotocol RFC1490 (6/6)
  25. Appendix F: Inverse ARP (InARP) RFC1293
    1. 1 InARP Frame Format
  26. Abbreviations
  27. Index
  28. Numerics
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. G
  34. E
  35. H
  36. F
  37. I
  38. L
  39. O
  40. P
  41. M
  42. Q N
  43. R
  44. S T
  45. U
  46. X
  47. ITSO Technical Bulletin Evaluation RED000

Product information

  • Title: 3174 Network Server in Frame Relay and Multiprotocol
  • Author(s): Jose Boo
  • Release date: June 1995
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: 9780738408125