
We are very grateful to those who have contributed to this book through their work and research. We would like to particularly express our gratitude to Henri Maître who has overseen the compilation of this book and has generously given us his help and support. We would also like to show our recognition to ISTE Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons who have greatly assisted as throughout the production of this book. Lastly, we would like to thank all those people and organizations who have allowed us to use their data and/or illustrations within this book.

Several pieces of research data shown in this book have been made possible because of the financial support from the following organizations:

– Regional organizations from three areas: projects including CIA (CPER Nord-Pas De Calais region in France), CREATIS (CPER Champagne-Ardenne region in France) and RUBI3 (Brittany with the Image et Réseaux (Image and Networks) cluster – 2010-13).

– The Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) (National Agency for Research, France): including projects such as SEMANTIC-3D (AAP RNRT 2002-06), CAM-RELIEF (AAP RIAM 2008-10), FAR3D (AAP CSOSG 2008-2010), COLLAVIZ (AAP COSINUS 2009-12), PERSEE (AAP Blanc 2009-13) and 3D FaceAnalyzer (AAP Blanc Inter. 2011-13).

– Competition clusters and/or Fonds unique interministériel (FUI) (Inter ministerial Funds, France): including the projects FUTURIM@GE (Image et Réseaux (Image and Networks) – 2008-10), Terra Numerica (Cap Digital – 2006-09) and 3DLive ...

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