Book description
Master the complexities of 3ds Max by working through more than 150 short tutorials under the guidance of 3D expert Kelly Murdock. If you're a beginner, a Quick Start chapter shows you how to create an exciting animation your first day using the software. You'll find extensive detail on the latest features, allowing quick ramp-up for veterans of earlier 3ds versions. In addition, the book includes a 16-page, full-color insert with examples of cutting-edge 3ds Max art as well as a DVD with all the examples in the book, models and textures you can customize, a full-color and searchable PDF of the book.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Credits
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
I. Getting Started with 3ds Max
QS. Creating and Flying Through a Greek Temple
- QS.1. Greek Temples—Planning the Production
QS.2. Modeling the Greek Temple
- QS.2.1. Tutorial: Building a Doric column
- QS.2.2. Tutorial: Cloning and positioning the Doric columns
- QS.2.3. Tutorial: Finishing the Greek Temple
- QS.2.4. Tutorial: Adding Architectural & Design materials
- QS.2.5. Tutorial: Adding a Sun & Sky system
- QS.2.6. Tutorial: Rendering the temple
- QS.2.7. Tutorial: Animating a camera flying through the scene
- QS.3. Summary
- 1. Exploring the Max Interface
2. Controlling and Configuring the Viewports
- 2.1. Understanding 3D Space
2.2. Using the Viewport Navigation Controls
- 2.2.1. Zooming a view
- 2.2.2. Panning a view
- 2.2.3. Walking through a view
- 2.2.4. Rotating a view
- 2.2.5. Controlling viewports with a scroll wheel
- 2.2.6. Controlling camera and spotlight views
- 2.2.7. Tutorial: Navigating the active viewport
- 2.2.8. Undoing and saving Viewport changes
- 2.2.9. Disabling and refreshing viewports
- 2.2.10. Maximizing the active viewport
2.3. Configuring the Viewports
- 2.3.1. Setting the viewport rendering method
- 2.3.2. Altering the Viewport layout
- 2.3.3. Using Safe Frames
- 2.3.4. Understanding Adaptive Degradation
- 2.3.5. Defining regions
- 2.3.6. Viewing statistics
- 2.3.7. Displaying Lights and Shadows
- 2.4. Working with Viewport Backgrounds
- 2.5. Summary
- 3. Working with Files, Importing, and Exporting
4. Customizing the Max Interface and Setting Preferences
- 4.1. Using the Customize User Interface Window
- 4.2. Customizing Modify and Utility Panel Buttons
- 4.3. Working with Custom Interfaces
- 4.4. Configuring Paths
- 4.5. Selecting System Units
4.6. Setting Preferences
4.6.1. General preferences
- Undo Levels and the Reference Coordinate System
- Loading Plug-Ins and Sub-Material settings
- Scene Selection settings
- Spinner, Rollout, and Vertex Normal settings
- Interface Display settings
- Layer settings
- Real-World Texture Coordinates setting
- 4.6.2. Files panel preferences
- 4.6.3. Viewport preferences
- 4.6.4. Gamma preferences
- 4.6.5. Other preference panels
4.6.1. General preferences
- 4.7. Summary
QS. Creating and Flying Through a Greek Temple
II. Working with Objects
5. Creating and Editing Primitive Objects
5.1. Creating Primitive Objects
- 5.1.1. Using the Create menu
- 5.1.2. Using the Create panel
- 5.1.3. Naming and renaming objects
- 5.1.4. Assigning colors
- 5.1.5. Using the Color Clipboard
- 5.1.6. Using different creation methods
- 5.1.7. Using the Keyboard Entry rollout for precise dimensions
- 5.1.8. Altering object parameters
- 5.1.9. Recovering from mistakes and deleting objects
- 5.1.10. Tutorial: Exploring the Platonic solids
5.2. Exploring the Primitive Object Types
- 5.2.1. Standard Primitives
- 5.2.2. Extended Primitives
- 5.2.3. Modifying object parameters
- 5.2.4. Tutorial: Filling a treasure chest with gems
- 5.3. Architecture Primitives
- 5.4. Summary
5.1. Creating Primitive Objects
6. Selecting Objects, Setting Object Properties, and Using Layers and the Scene Explorer
6.1. Selecting Objects
- 6.1.1. Selection filters
- 6.1.2. Select buttons
- 6.1.3. Selecting with the Edit menu
- 6.1.4. Selecting multiple objects
- 6.1.5. Using the Paint Selection Region tool
- 6.1.6. Tutorial: Selecting objects
- 6.1.7. Locking selection sets
- 6.1.8. Using named selection sets
- 6.1.9. Editing named selections
- 6.1.10. Isolating the current selection
- 6.1.11. Selecting objects in other interfaces
- 6.2. Setting Object Properties
- 6.3. Hiding and Freezing Objects
- 6.4. Using Layers
- 6.5. Using the Scene Explorer
- 6.6. Summary
6.1. Selecting Objects
7. Transforming Objects, Pivoting, Aligning, and Snapping
- 7.1. Translating, Rotating, and Scaling Objects
- 7.2. Working with the Transformation Tools
- 7.3. Using Pivot Points
- 7.4. Using the Align Commands
- 7.5. Using Grids
- 7.6. Using Snap Options
- 7.7. Summary
- 8. Cloning Objects and Creating Object Arrays
- 9. Grouping, Linking, and Parenting Objects
5. Creating and Editing Primitive Objects
III. Modeling Basics
- 10. Learning Modeling Basics and Working with Subobjects and Helpers
11. Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes
- 11.1. Drawing in 2D
11.2. Editing Splines
- 11.2.1. Editable Splines versus the Edit Spline modifier
- 11.2.2. Making splines renderable
- 11.2.3. Selecting spline subobjects
- 11.2.4. Controlling spline geometry
11.2.5. Editing vertices
- Refine
- Weld and Fuse
- Connect
- Make First
- Cycle
- CrossInsert
- Fillet
- Chamfer
- Tangent Copy and Tangent Paste
- Hide/Unhide All
- Bind/Unbind
- Delete
- Show Selected Segments
- Tutorial: Making a ninja star
- 11.2.6. Editing segments
- 11.2.7. Editing Spline subobjects
11.3. Using Spline Modifiers
11.3.1. Spline-specific modifiers
- Edit Spline modifier
- Spline Select modifier
- Delete Spline modifier
- Normalize Spline modifier
- Fillet/Chamfer modifier
- Renderable Spline modifier
- Sweep modifier
- Tutorial: Plumbing with pipes
- Trim/Extend modifier
- Using the Shape Check utility
- 11.3.2. Moving splines to 3D
11.3.1. Spline-specific modifiers
- 11.4. Summary
12. Modeling with Polygons
- 12.1. Understanding Poly Objects
- 12.2. Creating Editable Poly Objects
12.3. Editing Poly Objects
- 12.3.1. Editable Poly subobject modes
- 12.3.2. Selection rollout
- 12.3.3. Tutorial: Modeling a clown head
12.3.4. Edit Geometry rollout
- Repeat Last
- Enabling constraints
- Tutorial: Creating a roof truss
- Preserve UVs
- Create
- Collapse
- Attach and Detach
- Slicing and cutting options
- Tutorial: Combining, cutting and separating a car model
- MSmooth
- Tessellate
- Make Planar
- View and Grid Align
- Relax
- Hide, Copy, and Paste
- 12.3.5. Editing Vertex subobjects
- 12.3.6. Editing Edge subobjects
- 12.3.7. Editing Border subobjects
- 12.3.8. Editing Polygon and Element subobjects
- 12.3.9. Surface properties
- 12.3.10. Tutorial: Modeling a tooth
- 12.4. Summary
13. Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
13.1. Exploring the Modifier Stack
- 13.1.1. Understanding Base Objects
- 13.1.2. Applying modifiers
- 13.1.3. Other Modifier Stack entities
- 13.1.4. Using the Modifier Stack
- 13.1.5. Reordering the Stack
- 13.1.6. Tutorial: Creating a molecular chain
- 13.1.7. Holding and fetching a scene
- 13.1.8. Collapsing the Stack
- 13.1.9. Using the Collapse utility
- 13.1.10. Using gizmo subobjects
- 13.1.11. Tutorial: Squeezing a plastic bottle
- 13.1.12. Modifying subobjects
- 13.1.13. Topology dependency
13.2. Exploring Modifier Types
- 13.2.1. Object-Space versus World-Space modifiers
- 13.2.2. Selection modifiers
13.2.3. Parametric Deformer modifiers
- Affect Region modifier
- Bend modifier
- Tutorial: Bending a tree
- Displace modifier
- Lattice modifier
- Mirror modifier
- Noise modifier
- Push modifier
- Preserve modifier
- Relax modifier
- Ripple modifier
- Shell modifier
- Tutorial: Making a character from a sphere
- Slice modifier
- Skew modifier
- Stretch modifier
- Spherify modifier
- Tutorial: Making a fat crocodile
- Squeeze modifier
- Twist modifier
- Taper modifier
- Tutorial: Creating a yo-yo
- Substitute modifier
- XForm modifier
- Wave modifier
- Tutorial: Waving a flag
- 13.2.4. Free Form Deformer modifiers
- 13.3. Summary
13.1. Exploring the Modifier Stack
IV. Materials, Cameras, and Lighting Basics
14. Exploring the Material Editor
- 14.1. Understanding Material Properties
14.2. Working with the Material Editor
- 14.2.1. Using the Material Editor controls
- 14.2.2. Using the sample slots
- 14.2.3. Naming materials
- 14.2.4. Getting new materials
- 14.2.5. Assigning materials to objects
- 14.2.6. Picking materials from a scene
- 14.2.7. Selecting objects by material
- 14.2.8. Previewing materials and rendering maps
- 14.2.9. Setting Material Editor options
- 14.2.10. Resetting materials
- 14.2.11. Removing materials and maps
- 14.2.12. Using the Fix Ambient utility
- 14.2.13. Tutorial: Coloring Easter eggs
- 14.3. Using the Material/Map Browser
- 14.4. Using the Material/Map Navigator
- 14.5. Summary
- 15. Creating and Applying Standard Materials
- 16. Creating Compound Materials and Using Material Modifiers
17. Adding Material Details with Maps
- 17.1. Understanding Maps
17.2. Understanding Material Map Types
- 17.2.1. 2D maps
17.2.2. 3D maps
- Cellular map
- Dent map
- Falloff map
- Marble map
- Noise map
- Particle Age map
- Particle MBlur map
- Perlin Marble map
- Planet map
- Smoke map
- Speckle map
- Splat map
- Stucco map
- Waves map
- Wood map
- 17.2.3. Compositor maps
- 17.2.4. Color Modifier maps
- 17.2.5. Miscellaneous maps
- 17.3. Using the Maps Rollout
- 17.4. Using the Map Path Utility
- 17.5. Using Map Instances
- 17.6. Summary
18. Configuring and Aiming Cameras
- 18.1. Learning to Work with Cameras
18.2. Setting Camera Parameters
- 18.2.1. Lens settings and field of view
- 18.2.2. Camera type and display options
- 18.2.3. Environment ranges and clipping planes
- 18.2.4. Camera Correction modifier
- 18.2.5. Creating multi-pass camera effects
- 18.2.6. Using the Depth of Field effect
- 18.2.7. Tutorial: Applying a Depth of Field effect to a row of windmills
- 18.2.8. Using the Motion Blur effect
- 18.2.9. Tutorial: Using a Motion Blur multi-pass camera effect
- 18.3. Summary
19. Using Lights and Basic Lighting Techniques
- 19.1. Understanding the Basics of Lighting
- 19.2. Getting to Know the Light Types
- 19.3. Creating and Positioning Light Objects
- 19.4. Viewing a Scene from a Light
- 19.5. Altering Light Parameters
- 19.6. Using the Sunlight and Daylight Systems
- 19.7. Using Volume Lights
- 19.8. Summary
14. Exploring the Material Editor
V. Animation and Rendering Basics
- 20. Understanding Animation and Keyframe Basics
21. Animating with Constraints and Controllers
21.1. Restricting Movement with Constraints
- 21.1.1. Using constraints
21.1.2. Working with the constraints
- Attachment constraint
- Tutorial: Attaching eyes to a melting snowman
- Surface constraint
- Tutorial: Rolling a tire down a hill with the Surface constraint
- Path constraint
- Tutorial: Creating a spaceship flight path
- Position constraint
- Link constraint
- Tutorial: Skating a figure eight
- LookAt constraint
- Orientation constraint
- 21.2. Understanding Controller Types
- 21.3. Assigning Controllers
21.4. Examining the Various Controllers
- 21.4.1. Transform controllers
21.4.2. Position track controllers
- Audio controller
- Bézier controller
- Linear controller
- Motion Clip Slave controller
- Noise controller
- Motion Capture controller
- Tutorial: Drawing with a pencil with the Motion Capture controller
- Quaternion (TCB) controller
- Reaction controller
- Tutorial: Rotating gears with the Reaction controller
- Spring controller
- Tutorial: Wagging a tail with the Spring controller
- Position XYZ controller
- 21.4.3. Rotation and Scale track controllers
21.4.4. Parameter controllers
- Boolean controller
- Limit controller
- List controller
- On/Off controller
- Waveform controller
- Color RGB controller
- Cubic Morph controller
- Barycentric Morph controller
- Block controller
- IK controller
- Master Point controller
- 21.5. Summary
21.1. Restricting Movement with Constraints
22. Learning to Render a Scene
- 22.1. Previewing with ActiveShade
- 22.2. Render Parameters
- 22.3. Rendering Preferences
- 22.4. Using the Rendered Frame Window
- 22.5. Using the RAM Player
- 22.6. Reviewing the Render Types
- 22.7. Using Command-Line Rendering
- 22.8. Creating Panoramic Images
- 22.9. Getting Printer Help
- 22.10. Creating an Environment
- 22.11. Summary
VI. Advanced Modeling
23. Building Complex Scenes with XRefs and Using Vault
- 23.1. Referencing External Objects
- 23.2. Setting Up Asset Tracking
- 23.3. Using Autodesk Vault
- 23.4. Summary
- 24. Working with the Schematic View
25. Deforming Surfaces and Using the Mesh Modifiers
- 25.1. The Basics of Deformation Painting
- 25.2. Using the Deformation Brushes
- 25.3. Setting Brush Options
- 25.4. Primitive Maintenance Modifiers
25.5. Edit Geometry Modifiers
- 25.5.1. Cap Holes modifier
- 25.5.2. Delete Mesh modifier
- 25.5.3. Extrude modifier
- 25.5.4. Face Extrude modifier
- 25.5.5. Tutorial: Extruding a bullet
- 25.5.6. Optimize modifier
- 25.5.7. MultiRes modifier
- 25.5.8. Tutorial: Creating a MultiRes hand
- 25.5.9. Smooth modifier
- 25.5.10. Symmetry modifier
- 25.5.11. Tutorial: Creating symmetrical antlers
- 25.5.12. Tessellate modifier
- 25.5.13. Vertex Weld modifier
- 25.6. Miscellaneous Modifiers
- 25.7. Subdivision Surface Modifiers
- 25.8. Summary
26. Working with Compound Objects
- 26.1. Understanding Compound Object Types
- 26.2. Morphing Objects
- 26.3. Creating Conform Objects
- 26.4. Creating a ShapeMerge Object
- 26.5. Creating a Terrain Object
- 26.6. Using the Mesher Object
- 26.7. Working with BlobMesh Objects
- 26.8. Creating a Scatter Object
- 26.9. Creating Connect Objects
26.10. Creating a Loft Object
- 26.10.1. Using the Get Shape and Get Path buttons
- 26.10.2. Controlling surface parameters
- 26.10.3. Changing path parameters
- 26.10.4. Setting skin parameters
- 26.10.5. Tutorial: Designing a slip-proof hanger
- 26.10.6. Deforming Loft objects
- 26.10.7. The Deformation window interface
- 26.10.8. Scale Deformation
- 26.10.9. Twist Deformation
- 26.10.10. Teeter Deformation
- 26.10.11. Bevel Deformation
- 26.10.12. Fit Deformation
- 26.10.13. Modifying Loft subobjects
- 26.10.14. Comparing shapes
- 26.10.15. Editing Loft paths
- 26.10.16. Tutorial: Creating drapes
- 26.10.17. Loft objects versus surface tools
- 26.11. Working with ProBoolean and ProCutter Objects
- 26.12. Summary
27. Modeling with Patches and NURBS
- 27.1. Introducing Patch Grids
- 27.2. Editing Patches
- 27.3. Using Modifiers on Patch Objects
- 27.4. Creating NURBS Curves and Surfaces
- 27.5. Editing NURBS
27.6. Working with NURBS
- 27.6.1. Lofting a NURBS surface
- 27.6.2. Tutorial: Creating a U Loft NURBS spoon
- 27.6.3. Creating a UV Loft surface
- 27.6.4. Lathing a NURBS surface
- 27.6.5. Tutorial: Lathing a NURBS CV curve to create a vase
- 27.6.6. Creating a 1-rail and 2-rail sweep surface
- 27.6.7. Tutorial: Creating a flower stem
- 27.6.8. Sculpting a rectangular NURBS surface
- 27.6.9. Tutorial: Creating a NURBS leaf
- 27.6.10. Tutorial: Sculpting a flower petal
- 27.6.11. NURBS modifiers
- 27.7. Summary
- 28. Adding and Styling Hair, Fur, and Cloth
23. Building Complex Scenes with XRefs and Using Vault
VII. Advanced Materials
- 29. Using Specialized Material Types
30. Unwrapping UVs and Using Pelt Mapping
- 30.1. Mapping Modifiers
- 30.2. Using the Unwrap UVW Modifier
- 30.3. Using Pelt Mapping
- 30.4. Rendering UV Templates
- 30.5. Summary
- 31. Creating Baked Textures and Normal Maps
VIII. Advanced Animation Techniques
32. Using Animation Modifiers
- 32.1. Baking Animation Keys with the Point Cache Modifier
32.2. Using the Animation Modifiers
- 32.2.1. Morpher modifier
- 32.2.2. Tutorial: Morphing facial expressions
- 32.2.3. Using the Flex Modifier
- 32.2.4. Melt modifier
- 32.2.5. PatchDeform and SurfDeform modifiers
- 32.2.6. Tutorial: Deforming a car going over a hill
- 32.2.7. PathDeform modifier
- 32.2.8. Linked XForm modifier
- 32.2.9. SplineIK Control modifier
- 32.2.10. Attribute Holder modifier
- 32.3. Summary
- 33. Animating with the Expression Controller and Wiring Parameters
34. Working with Function Curves in the Track View
- 34.1. Learning the Track View Interface
- 34.2. Working with Keys
- 34.3. Editing Time
34.4. Editing Curves
- 34.4.1. Inserting new keys and moving keys
- 34.4.2. Tutorial: Animating a monorail
- 34.4.3. Drawing curves
- 34.4.4. Reducing keys
- 34.4.5. Working with tangents
- 34.4.6. Tutorial: Animating a flowing river
- 34.4.7. Applying out-of-range, ease, and multiplier curves
- 34.4.8. Tutorial: Animating a wind-up teapot
- 34.5. Filtering Tracks and Creating Track Sets
- 34.6. Working with Controllers
- 34.7. Synchronizing to a Sound Track
- 34.8. Summary
- 35. Using Animation Layers and the Motion Mixer
32. Using Animation Modifiers
IX. Dynamic Animation
36. Creating Particles and Particle Flow
- 36.1. Understanding the Various Particle Systems
- 36.2. Creating a Particle System
- 36.3. Using the Spray and Snow Particle Systems
36.4. Using the Super Spray Particle System
- 36.4.1. Super Spray Basic Parameters rollout
- 36.4.2. Particle Generation rollout
- 36.4.3. Particle Type rollout
- 36.4.4. Rotation and Collision rollout
- 36.4.5. Tutorial: Basketball shooting practice
- 36.4.6. Object Motion Inheritance rollout
- 36.4.7. Bubble Motion rollout
- 36.4.8. Particle Spawn rollout
- 36.4.9. Load/Save Presets rollout
- 36.5. Using the Blizzard Particle System
- 36.6. Using the PArray Particle System
- 36.7. Using the PCloud Particle System
- 36.8. Using Particle System Maps
36.9. Controlling Particles with Particle Flow
- 36.9.1. The Particle View window
- 36.9.2. The Standard Flow
- 36.9.3. Working with actions
- 36.9.4. Tutorial: Creating an avalanche
- 36.9.5. Using Particle Flow helpers
- 36.9.6. Wiring events
- 36.9.7. Tutorial: Moths chasing a light
- 36.9.8. Debugging test actions
- 36.9.9. Tutorial: Firing at a fleeing spaceship
- 36.9.10. Tutorial: Creating a black hole using Particle Flow
- 36.10. Summary
- 37. Using Space Warps
- 38. Simulating Physics-Based Motion with reactor
- 39. Animating Hair and Cloth
36. Creating Particles and Particle Flow
X. Working with Characters
- 40. Understanding Rigging and Working with Bones
41. Working with Inverse Kinematics
- 41.1. Forward Kinematics versus Inverse Kinematics
- 41.2. Creating an Inverse Kinematics System
41.3. Using the Various Inverse Kinematics Methods
- 41.3.1. Interactive IK
- 41.3.2. Applied IK
- 41.3.3. History Independent IK solver
- 41.3.4. History Dependent IK solver
- 41.3.5. Tutorial: Animating a spyglass with the HD IK solver
- 41.3.6. IK Limb solver
- 41.3.7. Tutorial: Animating a spider's leg with the IK Limb solver
- 41.3.8. Spline IK solver
- 41.3.9. Tutorial: Building an IK Spline alligator
- 41.4. Summary
42. Creating and Animating Bipeds and Crowds
- 42.1. Character Creation Workflow
- 42.2. Creating a Biped
42.3. Animating a Biped
- 42.3.1. Using Footstep Mode
- 42.3.2. Tutorial: Making a biped jump on a box
- 42.3.3. Converting biped animation clips
- 42.3.4. Using Freeform Mode
- 42.3.5. Setting Freeform keys
- 42.3.6. Using the Keyframing Tools, Layers, and Motion Capture
- 42.3.7. Loading and saving biped animation clips
- 42.3.8. Using Motion Flow Mode
- 42.3.9. Previewing a biped animation
- 42.3.10. Moving a biped with its footsteps
- 42.4. Creating Crowds
- 42.5. Creating a Crowd of Bipeds
- 42.6. Summary
43. Skinning Characters
- 43.1. Understanding Your Character
43.2. Animated Skin Modifiers
- 43.2.1. Understanding the Skinning Process
- 43.2.2. Binding to a skeleton
- 43.2.3. Using the Skin Wrap modifiers
- 43.2.4. Tutorial: Making a simple squirt bottle walk
- 43.2.5. Using the Skin Morph modifier
- 43.2.6. Tutorial: Bulging arm muscles
- 43.3. Using Character Animation Techniques
- 43.4. Summary
XI. Advanced Lighting and Rendering
44. Working with Advanced Lighting, Light Tracing, and Radiosity
- 44.1. Selecting Advanced Lighting
- 44.2. Using Local Advanced Lighting Settings
- 44.3. Tutorial: Excluding Objects from Light Tracing
- 44.4. Understanding Radiosity
- 44.5. Using Local and Global Advanced Lighting Settings
- 44.6. Working with Advanced Lighting Materials
- 44.7. Using Lighting Analysis
- 44.8. Summary
45. Using Atmospheric and Render Effects
- 45.1. Using Exposure Controls
- 45.2. Creating Atmospheric Effects
- 45.3. Using the Fire Effect
- 45.4. Using the Fog Effect
- 45.5. Adding Render Effects
- 45.6. Creating Lens Effects
- 45.7. Using Other Render Effects
- 45.8. Summary
46. Raytracing and mental ray
- 46.1. Using Raytrace Materials
- 46.2. Using a Raytrace Map
- 46.3. Understanding Global Raytracing Settings
- 46.4. Enabling mental ray
- 46.5. Summary
47. Batch and Network Rendering
- 47.1. Batch Rendering Scenes
- 47.2. Understanding Network Rendering
- 47.3. Network Requirements
47.4. Setting up a Network Rendering System
- 47.4.1. Setting up the network
- 47.4.2. Tutorial: Locating TCP/IP and gathering IP addresses
- 47.4.3. Tutorial: Installing and configuring TCP/IP
- 47.4.4. Tutorial: Setting up Max on the networked computers
- 47.4.5. Configuring shared directories
- 47.4.6. Tutorial: Sharing directories
- 47.4.7. Tutorial: Choosing shared directories
- 47.5. Starting the Network Rendering System
- 47.6. Configuring the Network Manager and Servers
- 47.7. Logging Errors
- 47.8. Using the Monitor
- 47.9. Summary
48. Compositing with Render Elements and the Video Post Interface
48.1. Using External Compositing Packages
- 48.1.1. Compositing with Photoshop
- 48.1.2. Video editing with Premiere
- 48.1.3. Tutorial: Creating a montage of Space Warp animations
- 48.1.4. Video compositing with After Effects
- 48.1.5. Tutorial: Adding animation effects using After Effects
- 48.1.6. Introducing Combustion
- 48.1.7. Using other compositing solutions
- 48.2. Using Render Elements
- 48.3. Completing Post-Production with the Video Post Interface
- 48.4. Working with Sequences
- 48.5. Adding and Editing Events
- 48.6. Working with Ranges
- 48.7. Working with Lens Effects Filters
- 48.8. Summary
48.1. Using External Compositing Packages
44. Working with Advanced Lighting, Light Tracing, and Radiosity
XII. MAXScript and Plug-Ins
49. Automating with MAXScript
- 49.1. What Is MAXScript?
49.2. MAXScript Tools
- 49.2.1. The MAXScript menu
- 49.2.2. The MAXScript Utility rollout
- 49.2.3. Tutorial: Using the SphereArray script
- 49.2.4. The MAXScript Listener window
- 49.2.5. Tutorial: Talking to the MAXScript interpreter
- 49.2.6. MAXScript Editor windows
- 49.2.7. The Macro Recorder
- 49.2.8. Tutorial: Recording a simple script
- 49.2.9. The MAXScript Debugger
- 49.3. Setting MAXScript Preferences
- 49.4. Types of Scripts
- 49.5. Writing Your Own MAXScripts
- 49.6. Learning the Visual MAXScript Editor Interface
- 49.7. Laying Out a Rollout
- 49.8. Summary
- 50. Expanding Max with Third-Party Plug-Ins
49. Automating with MAXScript
- A. What's New with 3ds Max 2008
- B. Installing and Configuring 3ds Max 2008
- C. 3ds Max 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts
- D. What's on the DVD
Product information
- Title: 3ds Max® 2008 Bible
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2008
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470187609
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Essential 3ds Max 2008 offers a user-friendly introduction to the newest version of 3ds Max. From …
3ds Max® 2012 Bible
This ebook does not provide access to the DVD files. Updated version of the bestselling 3ds …