372 index
De Leo, Joseph 162, 163, 178, 179
de Miranda, Kevin 128, 224
De Persgroep 44
DeAlmeida, Claudia 85, 160, 161, 302, 314,
340, 341, 342, 343
Dean, Keisha 376
Decoster, Jeffrey 322, 323
Del Colle, Andrew 357
Dela Rosa, Texas 253, 255
dela Vega, Leslie 17, 52, 94, 98, 100, 101, 115,
122, 123, 187, 206, 223, 291, 299, 311, 317,
336, 337, 376
DeLago, Ken 71, 106, 192, 197, 265, 273, 332
Delgado, Carla 155
Delhomme, Jean Philippe 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 53,
291, 299, 300, 363
Dempster, Miranda 12,13,14,15, 55, 88,
240, 244
Denahan, Linda 240
Denison Magazine 253
Denison University 253
Denkin, Josh 65, 188, 293, 301
Departures 232, 238, 305
DeSart, Zach 62, 69, 181, 191
Design Army Studio 97, 102, 129, 138, 139,
142, 146, 209
Dessinger, Jen 24,25, 48, 49, 82, 102, 116,
145, 207
Details 70, 94, 104, 115, 139, 247
DeTorres, Carl 70, 296
Dettman, Ross 227
Detwiler, Todd 166
Dexter, Brittany 85
Di Gennaro, Davide 23, 38, 227, 281, 285
di Muro, Gabriella 140
Diamond, Tova 4, 376
Díaz, Vanessa 267
DiCesare, Kevin 290
Dickson, Anna G. 299, 311, 317, 318, 322,
323, 331
Didia, Margo 148, 173, 253, 294, 333
Diehl, Mia J. 70, 101
Dimick, Dennis 290
Dinsdale, Blake 150, 151
Dischinger, François 158
Dixon, Chris 58, 66, 205, 216, 220, 270,
274, 341, 367
Dixon, Maynard 148
Doherty, Ian 127, 376
Domingo, Danlly 302
Domino 85, 160, 302, 314, 340, 341, 342,
Domus 292, 293
Donaldson, Suzanne 112, 140, 144, 244, 247
Dorfman, Matt 324
Dougherty, Chris 108, 135, 168, 219, 296, 317
Douraghy, Tonya 70
Doval, Valero 305
Downes, Valerie 268
Downton, David 274
Doyle, Stephen 270, 279
Draper, Lauren 260
Dreier, Kyle 132
Drexel 155
Duckor, Matt 302, 343
Duda, Allison 4, 376
Dudish, Kristen 344
Dudka, Nicole 302
Duenes, Steven 347, 348
Duffy, Bryce 118, 181
Dukoff, Lauren 12,13,14,15
Dukovic, Pari 12,13,14,15, 39, 55, 213, 215, 248
Dunham, Andrea 4, 108, 135, 168, 219, 296,
317, 376
Dunham, Troy 299, 311, 317, 318, 322, 323,
331, 340
Dunleavy, Chrissy 183, 224
Dunn, Anna 54, 259
Dunn, Katie 184, 237, 249
Duplessis, Arem 27, 34, 41, 42, 57, 90, 114,
118, 130, 176, 177, 183, 190, 198, 200, 211, 217,
219, 229, 241, 261, 269, 272, 275, 350, 376
Dupré, Lola 273
DuPree, Greg 84
Duquette, Julia 133, 233, 238
Durado, Adonis 118, 282, 284
Duran, Teresa 336
Duran, Yvonne 364
Dwell, Alexander 127, 160
Dwell Media LLC 127, 160
Dye, Michael 140
Dyer, Aaron 154
Eames, Nathan 116, 266
Eanes, Lori 268
Earnshaw’s 37, 139, 144, 148, 149, 173, 232,
247, 252
Eberhardt, Anke 144
Eckersley, Courtney 133
Eckstrom, Claire 17, 52, 291, 299
Eddington, Kristin 12,13,14,15, 211
Edipresse Hong Kong 140, 285
Editoriale Domus s.p.a. 292, 293
Edmonds, Emily Smurthwaite 150
Edmondson, James T. 376
Edmondson, Jennifer 73, 169, 219
Edwards, Michael 108
Edwards, Peter Frank 206, 239
Edwards, Yolanda 240
Efran, Shawn 331
Eggers, Robert 144
Eggertsson, Siggi 296
Egiziano, Michelle 73, 169, 219
Egmont Magasiner 264
Ehlers, Sune 264
Ehrenfeld, Manuel 292, 293
Elazegui, Kate 274, 376
Eliason, David 148
Elkaim, Aaron Vincent 74
Elle Decor 133, 233, 238
Elle Indonesia 37
Elle Mexico 78, 86, 139, 140, 201, 202, 247
Ellis, Phil 26, 56, 297
Ellis, Rosemary 134, 239
Emmis Communications 36, 41, 84, 85,
87, 88, 96, 109, 116, 117, 118, 128, 131, 134, 138,
202, 210, 227
ene o 161
Engadget Distro 309, 324, 340
Engman, Charlie 232
Entertainment Weekly 37, 214, 264, 296
Epstein, Lauren 80, 128, 203, 276
Epstein, Mitch 57, 130, 241
Er, Hayri 279
Ericson, Matthew 347
Ervin, Michele 26, 56, 73, 157, 297, 299
Erwitt, Sasha 58
Eschliman, Dwight 44, 152, 160, 234
ESPN 22, 37, 38, 50, 62, 94, 100, 172, 173,
181, 187, 206, 219, 223, 227, 283
ESPN The Magazine 22, 37, 38, 50, 62, 94,
100, 172, 173, 181, 187, 206, 219, 223, 227, 283
Esqueda, Daniel 321
Esquire Magazine 21, 78, 87, 106, 197, 223
Esquire Magazine: Big Black Book 51, 144
Essence 106, 264
Estes, Russell 268
Estrada, Matz 161
Estrada, Stefan 337
Eugene & Louise, 325
Eugui, Ana Paula Trillas 37
Euroman 264
Euromoney Institutional Investor 149, 150,
259, 266, 361
Evans, Linda Moran 144
Evans, Mark 260
Evans, Sarah 4, 376
Evans, Sid 4
Everyday with Rachael Ray 133, 239
Evilla, Josue 296, 302
Exel 155
Expansion 278
Fairfield, Hannah 348
Fakhr, Ahmed 296
Family Circle 144
Fantl, Justin 17, 26, 157, 254, 299, 312
Farach, Antonio 282, 284
Farevaag, Bryan 293, 310, 336, 341
Fast Company 17, 52, 87, 94, 98, 100, 101,
115, 122, 123, 187, 206, 223, 291, 299, 311, 317,
325, 336, 337
Fauche, Marc 202
Fedderly, Adam 17
Feinberg, Mitchell 75, 119, 238, 240
Feitelberg, Amy 4, 88, 96, 202, 210
Fennessy, Steve 84, 138, 227
Fernandez, Jose 336, 341
Fernandez, Tania 181, 236, 238, 305
Fernández de Lara, Carlos 278
Ferrari, Marco 292, 293
Ferrari, Nick 26, 73
Ferrell, Joan 268
Festa, Fabrizio 54, 259
Festino, Robert 55, 78, 107, 128, 134, 155, 187,
197, 202, 228, 233, 308, 342, 354, 355
Feuer, Jack 44, 152, 234, 251
Ficaro, Kim 162, 163, 178, 179
Field, Katie 240, 292
Field & Stream 78, 192, 265
Fielder, Kristen Shelton 126
Fields, Linsey 325
Filippi, Sarah 17, 75, 98, 115, 123, 223, 291
Fink, Larry 17, 123
Finke, Brian 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 227
Finlay, Robin 109, 224
Finsrud, Erik 26, 157, 299
Fiorentino, Rose 261
Fisher, Allie 85, 160, 161, 300, 302, 314, 340,
341, 342, 343
Fit Pregnancy Magazine 265, 362
Fitts, John Bennett 251
Fitzpatrick, Kristin 145, 182, 197, 233, 240,
244, 248
Fitzpatrick, Meaghan 21, 50
Flach, Tim 115
Fleischman, Richard 17
Fleishman, Lauren 352
Fletes, Erick 293, 294, 296
Florez, Gisel 63, 72
Florio, Jason 237
Fogg, Pamela 150
Foldenauer, Sara 89
Foldvari, David 46,47
Food & Wine 133
Food Fanatics 302
Food Network Magazine 127
Foord, Scher 376
Footwear Plus 140, 247
Forbes, Dan 332
Ford, Jason 84
Ford, Randal 118
Fortier, Kristen 28, 75, 292, 299, 306
Fortune 70, 94, 101, 265, 362
Fortune India 173, 278, 284
Forwardthink Media 109
Fose, Jennifer 128
Foundation For National Progress 259,
267, 360
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 38
Fox, Lucy 182, 244
Fox, Squire 174
Francavilla, Francesco 275
France Magazine 95
Franchi, Francesco 23, 35, 71, 227, 281, 285
Francis, Kate 88, 158, 286, 300
Francisco, Roui 260
Franco, David 201
Frank, Carla 4, 126, 127, 132
Frank, Karen 21, 37, 38, 50, 100, 172, 173, 181,
187, 206, 219, 223, 227, 283
Franklin, Bailey 154
Fraser, Patrick 134
Freehill, Lynn 255, 255
Freeman, Sean 34, 75, 241
Freij, Sandra 154
Friedman, Andy 12,13,14,15
Friedman, Douglas 158
Friedman, Drew 260
Friedman, Philip 26, 376
Froelich, Janet 65, 80, 89, 125, 128, 135, 145,
194, 203, 267, 274, 276, 278, 365
Fuchs, Thomas 24,25, 48, 49
Fullerton-Batten, Julia 24,25
Fulrath, Adam 43, 261, 304
Furlani, Emily 198
Furman, Matt 38, 206
Fusco, Steve 51
Fuzzco 26, 157, 299
Gabel, Ed 307, 311, 336, 337
Gabriner, Alice 223, 228
Galac, Nick 21, 50, 181, 187, 227
Gamache, Martin 337
Gamarra, Ramon 239
Gambineri, Giacomo 23, 38, 227, 281, 285
Garcea, Sarah 95, 192, 254, 364
Garcia, Alejandro 46,47
Garcia, Sandra 43, 74, 129
García, Xavier 161
Garden & Gun 106, 127, 174, 206, 239,
265, 363
Garden & Gun LLC 106, 127, 174, 206, 239,
265, 363
Garza, Aaron 150
Gather Journal 162, 163, 178, 179
Gather Media LLC 162, 163, 178, 179
Gearon, Tierney 177, 232
Gee, Martin 311, 317, 318, 376
Geiger, Ken 228
Gell, Aaron 260
Genovese, Domenica 40
Gentl & Hyers, 133, 162, 163, 178, 179, 239
Geoffroi, Remie 12,13,14,15
George, Lianne 74, 129, 175, 203, 224
George, Wendy 299, 309, 311, 317, 318, 322,
323, 331
Georgia Tech Alumni Association 149, 253
Getzendanner, Susan 16, 50, 62, 69, 84,
94, 126, 132, 181, 191, 197, 210, 238, 302, 328,
334, 342, 343
Gialluca, Natalie 4, 227, 240, 376
Gibbons, Christopher 353
Gidley, Kent 227
Gillette, Michael 300
Gilyard, Zachary 107, 140
Gissinger, Hans 125, 135
Glamour 112, 140, 144, 244, 247
Glasser, Glen 376
Glassman, Adam 40, 141, 144, 188, 310,
336, 341
Glatved, Agnethe 198
Globe and Mail 40, 96, 224
Gluekit, 117
Godfrey, Jamie 337
Godfrey, John 254
Goeres, Eric 346, 376
Goesele, Michael 44, 109, 129
Goknar, Esin Ili 126
Gold, Gary 162, 163
Golden, Melissa 17, 122
Goldenberg, Jamie 20
Goldstein, Melissa 12,13,14,15
Golf Digest 71, 106, 192, 197, 265, 273, 332
Golf Magazine 341
Golis, Lea 12,13,14,15, 33, 39, 55, 68, 88, 113,
117, 123, 158, 171, 174, 185, 188, 193, 199, 211,
213, 215, 219, 222, 225, 229, 240, 244, 248,
259, 273, 275, 365
Golon, Marti 267, 273
Golpeavisa, 37
Gomez, Jim 302, 328, 334, 342, 343
Good Housekeeping Magazine 134, 239
Goodman, Ron 294, 333, 345
Goodman, Timothy 17
Goppold, Franziska 107
Goryl, John 148, 150
Gougenheim, Kim 133, 239
Gourmet 161
GQ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 53, 61, 63, 83, 92, 105, 107,
110, 111, 115, 143, 155, 159, 174, 182, 192, 206,
214, 218, 239, 273, 291, 299, 300, 315, 316,
318, 319, 321, 325, 330, 331, 332, 333, 363
GQ Germany 107, 140
Grabowy, Greg 309, 324, 340
Graham, David 319
Graham, Nancy P. 214
Grandjean, Cybele 4, 138, 154, 201, 203
Granof, Victoria 241
Gravenor, Misha 202
Graves, Jeanne 55, 78, 107, 187, 197, 202,
228, 233, 128, 134, 155, 308, 342, 354, 355
Gravinese, Diego 12,13,14,15
Gray, Amber 144
Gray, David 4
Gray, Kim 40, 78, 89, 192, 265, 365
Greatest Creative Factor, 40
Green, Charles 259
Greenfield, Lauren 319
GreenSource 149, 363
Gressley, Holly 127, 160
Griffith, Christopher 12,13,14,15, 119, 174, 234
Griffiths, Brendan 302, 328, 334, 343
Griggs, Theresa 81, 119, 196, 203, 308
Grima, Joseph 292, 293
Grimaldi, Claudia 108
Grimes, Julianna 127
Grimwade, John 46,47, 305, 336, 339, 342
Grinshpun, Marina 62, 126, 264, 273, 305,
311, 336, 339, 342, 362
Grob, Marco 110, 182, 183, 321, 333
Gross, Yann 117
Grossman, Alexander 16, 50, 62, 69, 84, 94,
126, 132, 181, 191, 197, 210, 232, 238, 302, 328,
334, 342, 343
Grouard, Celine 28, 292, 299, 306
Grupo Editorial Expansion 267
Grupo Horma 161
Guemple, Matthew 363
Guia do Estudante 351
Gumbel, Allison 292, 326, 331, 332, 333
Gundlock, Brett 74
Gurrie, Joshua 162, 163
Guven, Emre 24,25, 48, 49
Guy, Eddie 151
Guy, Jamey 227
Guzman, Pilar 240, 292, 326, 331, 332, 333
Hackett, Larry 108, 135, 296
Haddad, Mark 55
Haesche, Susannah 81, 119, 203
Haggart, Rob 4
Haggerty, Heather 149
Halbe, Roland 233
Halber, Geoff 73, 169, 219
Halenda, Gregor 26
Hall, Nick 268
Hall, Scott 40, 175, 293, 296, 294
Halverson, Amelia 35
Hamilton, Nicola 74
Han, Jon 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 53, 143, 291, 299
Hanehan, Crystal 162, 163
Hansen, Marius W. 181
Hanuka, Tomer 259
Hapak, Peter 41, 172, 181, 211, 219
Harkness, Robert 96
Harmon, Maureen 253
Harper, Lena 148
Harris, Armin 101
Harris, Brad 181
Harris, Bridget 221
Harris, Gregory 107, 110, 182, 291, 299, 319,
321, 333, 337
Harris, Neil 43, 177, 183
Hart, Sara 149
Harwood, Rockwell 94, 104, 115, 139, 247
Hasbun, Gabriela 17, 94, 115, 206
Hassett, Ben 12,13,14,15
Hasto, Shawn 20
Hatch Show Print, 126
Hawaii Skin Diver 127
Hawaii Skin Diver Publishing 127
Hay, Alexei 24,25
Hayman, Luke 376
Haymes, Nick 229
Hazel, Britta 128, 224
Health Magazine 233, 239
Hearst Corporation 26, 40, 56, 64, 73, 80,
127, 133, 134, 141, 144, 145, 157, 182, 188, 197,
233, 238, 239, 240, 244, 248, 275, 297, 299,
310, 312, 314, 333, 336, 341, 357
Hearst Magazines 21, 51, 78, 87, 106, 144,
197, 223, 346
Heasty, David 300
Heckert, Amanda 87, 116, 131, 134
Heffernan, Ryan 96
Heffron, Lauren 4, 376
Hellovon, 263
Helman, Robin 363
Helwig, Frederike 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Hemmel, Peter 376
Hengst, Stefan 26, 157, 299
Hennessey, Susan 107, 140, 214
Herbert, Peter 26, 56, 73, 157, 275, 297,
299, 314
Hercik, Chris 4, 65, 97, 188, 293, 301,
353, 376
Hernandez, Juan Carlos 43
Hernández, Roberto 4, 223, 267
Herrington, Jim 106
Heselich, Lucie 144
Hess, Charles 44, 152, 234, 251, 254
Hessler, Geraldine 112, 140, 144, 244, 247
Hetherington, Andrew 46,47, 63, 134, 227
Hewitt, Rob 4, 62, 126, 264, 273, 305, 311,
336, 339, 342, 362
Heyfron, Spencer 12,13,14,15, 197
Hi Weekly 284
Hicks, David 44, 129
Higgins, Spencer 81, 129
Hill, Dan 292, 293
Hilton, David 287
Hirst, Linda 126
Hische, Jessica 80
Ho, Angela 285
Hobbs, Amanda 337
Hockman, Dennis 128
Hoersten, Alyssa 4, 376
Hoey, Peter 85
Hoffman, Amelia 138, 154, 201
Hoffman, Cynthia 20
Hoffmann, Ben 24,25
Hofman, Sam 278
Hogan, Timothy 192
Hoke, Chris 365
Holewski, Christopher 291, 299, 325
Holland, Joel 36, 342
Hollister, Matthew 70
Holmes, Christina 69
Hom, Marc 182
Hom, Raymond 129
Home, Ashley 247
Hong, Jisoo 202
Hong, Maggie 168, 349
Hong Kong Tatler 140, 285
Hoops, Martin 301
Hopkins, Will 35
Horton, Andrew 35
Hosch, Rainer 148, 173, 253
Hough, Lilian 292
Howler Magazine 46,47, 60, 63, 265
Hritcu, Daniela 70
Hritsik, Jaime 337, 356
Hsu, Mariela 97, 102, 209
Hubbard, Kim 329
Huck 54
Huerre, Paloma 58
Huet, John 227
Huffington, Arianna 299, 311, 317, 318, 322,
323, 331
Huffington Magazine 299, 311, 317, 318, 322,
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