Philip Robert Harris, Ph.D.
Co-author of Managing Cultural Differences
All executive and management development today should have a component on cross-cultural
skills and diversity. Our global environment in the 21st century is permeated by diversity and the
need for creating cultural synergy. Human resource professionals have been slow in catching up
to this trend. Not only do individuals require such training, but institutions must also do it as part
of their renewal. This was the message of our books, Developing the Global Organization
The New Work Culture.
Now Simons, Lambert, and Myers have edited the perfect tool for this purpose—a compilation
of effective training activities to improve awareness and skills in the field of international busi-
ness. This volume has been assembled by a distinguished team of intercultural experts for use by
professionals and groups who seek high performance in the global marketplace.
After providing HRD professionals with a series of related books on diversity and transcultural
training, the three renowned editors now offer 50 activities and instruments to further experien-
tial learning on the people skills required for worldwide trade and commerce, which they have
titled 50 Activities for Achieving Cultural Competence. The contents of these pages offer valu-
able tools for trainers who seek to prepare personnel for the challenges of the 21
century. For
those who seek to become global leaders themselves in the emerging field of human resource
development, the skills taught in this work will prove to be essential.
Moran, Harris, and Stripp, Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing, 1993.
Amherst, Massachusetts: HRD Press, 1998.

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