Case 17
Forgetting Claims
Background Information
Betty Warren, 36, has been supervisor of the Claims Adjustment Unit for the State
Department of Unemployment Insurance for over two and a half years. The Claims
Adjustment Unit is responsible for processing claimant appeals concerning either
incorrect payments or administrative judgments made on their application.
Although the work was often frustrating and difficult, Betty nonetheless enjoyed
her job and her work until June Williams joined the unit. That is why the current
situation with June is so irritating to Betty.
When the department went through a cost-cutting reorganization not long ago,
Betty inherited June Williams, a 54-year-old employee who had been with the
agency for over 28 years. June was pleasant enough to work with and could do cer-
tain parts of her job fairly well, but, as Betty came to discover, she just could not
seem to master one of the key tasks of the unit that all employees needed to know:
how to complete the Adjustment Determination Form 1293.
The ADF 1293 is the basic form used to record the information and decisions
made on each applicant’s appeal. The procedure associated with this form includes
the following steps:
1. Verify that all the information supplied on lines 6–10 and 14–27 are correct.
2. Look up the individual’s eligibility criteria from the appropriate table in the
state code book.
3. Compute the personal exemption rate by using the standard formula: (number
of dependents * 1200) + weeks unemployed rate, where weeks unemployed
rate = number of weeks unemployed * .25.
4. Compare the results of steps 2 and 3, and record on the attached Decision
Report Sheet.
5. Make a decision and enter reasoning in section 5 of the form.
On the average, Claims Adjustment clerks are expected to complete 15 of these
forms a day. Betty had found from her experience that it typically took about four to
six weeks for new employees to reach this level of performance.
On June’s first day with the unit, Betty showed her the procedure for completing
the form. June watched as Betty completed each step. She took no notes, only
smiled and nodded her head as Betty worked through the procedure. At the conclu-
sion of the training, she asked no questions and said that she understood. Already a
little late for a meeting, Betty left June at her desk to start work.
Three days later, Betty received a bundle of ADF 1293 forms that June had proc-
essed, but they were all incorrect. She called June into her office and explained the
procedure again. June watched very closely, nodding and smiling and looking
50 Case Studies for Management and Supervisory Training
Case 17 (continued)
very intently at what Betty was doing. Again, June asked no questions. Betty fin-
ished the demonstration, and June returned to her desk.
Over the next two weeks, Betty continued to receive incorrect forms that June
had processed. Now, after three weeks on the job, June is barely doing 10 forms a
day correctly. However, she has been making some slight progress and the number
of incorrect forms has been falling.
Betty thinks, “Boy, June sure has a bad memory. She simply can’t recall what she
was told. She’s been bluffing about learning what I told her.”
1. What standards should Betty set for June during her first month on the job?
2. Did Betty do a good job training June? Is June stupid?
3. How should Betty have trained June? Create a training plan for June.
4. Make a performance aide for the ADF 1293 procedure (you can make up any
details that you need to as long as they are consistent with the procedure
outlined in the case).

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