A B2B Solution using WebSphere Business Integration V4.1 and WebSphere Business Connection V1.1

Book description

The world of e-commerce is changing rapidly. Some ten years ago, e-commerce was mostly defined as participating in an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) initiative.

Today, e-commerce means much more than just EDI: it means supporting interactive Web sites; it means enabling the communications with multiple exchanges; it means using XML and the Internet to conduct interactive business-to-customer and business-to-business communications.

This IBM Redbooks publication explores some of the possibilities using products from WebSphere Business Integration V4.1 and WebSphere Business Connect V1.1 product suites.

For more up-to-date information about WebSphere B2B, please refer to the following books:
B2B solutions using WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0, http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg247109.html?Open and
Secure Production Deployment of WebSphere Business Integration Connect, http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg246457.html?Open.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: Overview
    1. Chapter 1: B2B overview
      1. Introduction
      2. e-commerce
        1. Business-to-consumer
        2. Business-to-business
        3. Evolution of the B2B data structures
        4. Evolution of the B2B data communications
      3. Enterprise application integration and B2B
      4. Business-to-business integration (1/2)
      5. Business-to-business integration (2/2)
        1. Types of B2B integration
        2. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: Technology and standards
      1. Introduction
      2. Some terminology (1/2)
      3. Some terminology (2/2)
        1. Messaging and queuing
        2. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
        3. Web services
        4. eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
        5. Java
        6. Transport protocols
        7. Security
  4. Part 2: The solution technology
    1. Chapter 3: Introducing the technology
      1. WebSphere Business Integration V4.1
        1. CrossWorlds
        2. WebSphere MQ
        3. WebSphere MQ Integrator
        4. WebSphere MQ Workflow
      2. WebSphere Business Connection (1/2)
      3. WebSphere Business Connection (2/2)
        1. Web Services Gateway
        2. Trading Partner Interchange (TPI)
        3. WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2
      4. WebSphere Application Server 4.x Enterprise Edition
      5. Java 2 Enterprise Edition
      6. Web services
    2. Chapter 4: CrossWorlds overview
      1. Components of CrossWorlds
        1. Collaborations
        2. Business objects
        3. Connectors
        4. Server Access Interface
        5. Data mapping
      2. Sample scenario
      3. Data flow in CrossWorlds
    3. Chapter 5: Trading Partner Interchange overview
      1. How the system works
      2. Company profile
      3. Partner profile
      4. The relationship between the company and partner profile
      5. Document sizes
      6. Transports
    4. Chapter 6: WebSphere Data Interchange overview
      1. WebSphere Data Interchange is an any-to-any solution (1/5)
      2. WebSphere Data Interchange is an any-to-any solution (2/5)
      3. WebSphere Data Interchange is an any-to-any solution (3/5)
      4. WebSphere Data Interchange is an any-to-any solution (4/5)
      5. WebSphere Data Interchange is an any-to-any solution (5/5)
        1. Taking control of e-business
        2. A data translation and transaction management solution
        3. Enhancing functionality of the EDI system
        4. Taking advantage of the latest standards support
        5. Managing transactions rapidly and efficiently
        6. Utilizing WebSphere MQ
        7. The component view of WebSphere Data Interchange
    5. Chapter 7: Web Services Gateway overview
      1. Introduction (1/2)
      2. Introduction (2/2)
        1. Web Services Gateway basic concepts
    6. Chapter 8: Installation and basic configuration of the Trading Partner Interchange
      1. Overview
      2. Installation and configuration
      3. Getting started (1/2)
      4. Getting started (2/2)
        1. Start Administrator
        2. Start Server on Windows
    7. Chapter 9: Installation and basic configuration of the WebSphere Data Interchange
      1. Installing WebSphere Data Interchange Client
      2. Server installation and setup (1/2)
      3. Server installation and setup (2/2)
        1. Installing WebSphere Data Interchange Server
        2. Setting up the WebSphere Data Interchange database
        3. Verifying the installation
        4. Configuring the client to access the runtime database
    8. Chapter 10: Installation and basic configuration of the Web Services Gateway
      1. Installing the software (1/5)
      2. Installing the software (2/5)
      3. Installing the software (3/5)
      4. Installing the software (4/5)
      5. Installing the software (5/5)
        1. Installing and configuring DB2
        2. Installing JDK
        3. Installing and updating WebSphere Application Server
        4. Updating the IBM HTTP Server
        5. Installing IBM SecureWay® Directory Version 3.2.2 for Windows
        6. Securing the Web Services Gateway administration pages
        7. Configuring WebSphere Application Server for the Web Services Gateway
        8. Configuring Web Services Gateway application server and enterprise applications
        9. Deploying channels, filters, and the LFT sample for the Web Service Gateway
        10. Configuring SecureWay Directory
        11. Configuring WebSphere security
        12. Securing the Web Services Gateway administration
    9. Chapter 11: Installation and basic configuration: WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
      1. Installation of WebSphere Business Integration Adapters (1/2)
      2. Installation of WebSphere Business Integration Adapters (2/2)
        1. Installation of VisiBroker
        2. Installation of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapters Framework
        3. Installation of WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP
      3. Configuration of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP (1/5)
      4. Configuration of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP (2/5)
      5. Configuration of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP (3/5)
      6. Configuration of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP (4/5)
      7. Configuration of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP (5/5)
        1. Configuration of Object Discovery Agent for SAP
        2. Generating the business object definitions from SAP
        3. Configuring WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for SAP
  5. Part 3: Common components of the solution
    1. Chapter 12: Introducing the company and the scenario
      1. Our company
      2. Where are we now?
      3. Where are we going?
    2. Chapter 13: SAP components
      1. Overview
      2. Our sales order
      3. Basic customizing for our scenario
      4. Customizing the scenario in pictures (1/5)
      5. Customizing the scenario in pictures (2/5)
      6. Customizing the scenario in pictures (3/5)
      7. Customizing the scenario in pictures (4/5)
      8. Customizing the scenario in pictures (5/5)
        1. Overview of the IMG items to be reviewed
        2. Creating a new sales order type
        3. Appropriate sales item category
        4. Defining the workflow event linkage
        5. Determining the vendor of the material
        6. Defining the material master and purchase information records
        7. The standalone test routine
        8. Goods entry posting from dispatch advice
    3. Chapter 14: WebSphere MQ Integrator components
      1. Trading with our partners
      2. Outbound purchase order
      3. OrdersWSGW message flow
        1. Compute node: IDoc XML to XML properties
      4. OrdersWDI message flow
        1. Compute node: IDoc XML to XML properties
      5. OrdersFromSAP message flow (1/2)
      6. OrdersFromSAP message flow (2/2)
        1. Compute node: setting the partner properties
        2. Compute node: setting the gateway properties
      7. Unit test (1/2)
      8. Unit test (2/2)
      9. Inbound order acknowledgement and delivery for WSGW
      10. AcknowledgementWSGW message flow (1/2)
      11. AcknowledgementWSGW message flow (2/2)
        1. Compute node: XML to IDoc XML properties
      12. DeliveryWSGW message flow
        1. Compute node: XML to IDoc XML properties
      13. ReplyFromWSGW message flow
        1. Filter node: checking the partner properties
        2. Compute node: setting the response type properties
      14. Unit test (1/2)
      15. Unit test (2/2)
      16. Inbound order acknowledgement and delivery for WDI (1/2)
      17. Inbound order acknowledgement and delivery for WDI (2/2)
        1. AcknowledgementWDI message flow
        2. Compute node: XML to IDoc XML properties
      18. DeliveryWDI message flow
        1. Compute node: XML to IDoc XML properties
      19. ReplyFromWDI message flow
        1. Filter node: checking the partner properties
        2. Compute node: setting the response type properties
      20. Unit test
      21. Summary of files used in this chapter
  6. Part 4: Trading with the EDI partner
    1. Chapter 15: WebSphere Data Interchange components
      1. Outbound purchase order flow (1/4)
      2. Outbound purchase order flow (2/4)
      3. Outbound purchase order flow (3/4)
      4. Outbound purchase order flow (4/4)
        1. Importing the XML Dictionary
        2. Importing the EDI Standard Dictionary
        3. Creating an outbound data transformation map
        4. Partner profiles
        5. Envelopes
      5. Communication setup (1/3)
      6. Communication setup (2/3)
      7. Communication setup (3/3)
        1. Network profile
        2. MQSeries queues profiles
        3. Service profiles
      8. Inbound Purchase Order Acknowledgement flow (1/3)
      9. Inbound Purchase Order Acknowledgement flow (2/3)
      10. Inbound Purchase Order Acknowledgement flow (3/3)
        1. Importing XML Dictionary
        2. Importing the EDI Standard Dictionary
        3. Creating an inbound data transformation map
        4. Trading partners
        5. Usage or data transformation rule
        6. Network profile
        7. Mailboxes
        8. Queue profiles
        9. Service profiles
      11. Inbound Advance Shipment Notice flow
        1. Importing the XML Dictionary
        2. Importing the EDI Standard Dictionary
        3. Creating an inbound data transformation map
        4. Setup of communication within WebSphere Data Interchange
      12. Monitoring and debugging a running system
    2. Chapter 16: Trading Partner Interchange components
      1. Configuration for ITSO Redboats (1/3)
      2. Configuration for ITSO Redboats (2/3)
      3. Configuration for ITSO Redboats (3/3)
        1. Creating a company profile
        2. Creating a partner profile
      4. Configuration of Pinta Masts and Pole Wholesale PLC (1/2)
      5. Configuration of Pinta Masts and Pole Wholesale PLC (2/2)
        1. Creating a company profile
        2. Creating a partner profile
      6. Test trade
  7. Part 5: Trading with the Web services partner
    1. Chapter 17: Developing Web services
      1. Developing Web services (1/2)
      2. Developing Web services (2/2)
        1. Development steps
        2. Development strategies for provider and requestor
    2. Chapter 18: Web Services Gateway components
      1. Overview of the solution
      2. Preparing for development
      3. Creating a new ITSOTestServer server project
        1. Creating a new server instance and configuration
      4. Creating a new MQManager Web project
      5. Creating the MQManager Web Service (1/7)
      6. Creating the MQManager Web Service (2/7)
      7. Creating the MQManager Web Service (3/7)
      8. Creating the MQManager Web Service (4/7)
      9. Creating the MQManager Web Service (5/7)
      10. Creating the MQManager Web Service (6/7)
      11. Creating the MQManager Web Service (7/7)
        1. Creating the package for the Java class
        2. Creating the MQConnReceive Java class
        3. Implementing the MQConnReceive Java class
        4. Adding MQ support to the project
        5. Creating the MQConnSend Java class
        6. Implementing the MQConnSend Java class
        7. Creating the package for JavaBean
        8. Creating the MQReceiveService JavaBean
        9. Implementing the MQReceiveService JavaBean
        10. Creating the MQReceiveService Web Service
        11. Using the Web service wizard
        12. Configuring the Web service identity
        13. Web service scope
        14. Enabling SOAP security
        15. Selecting JavaBean methods and encoding styles
        16. Defining Java to XML mappings
        17. Proxy generation
        18. Defining the XML to Java mappings
        19. Verifying the SOAP bindings
        20. Web service test client
        21. Generating a sample client
        22. Publishing the Web service
        23. Investigating the generated files
        24. SOAP router servlets
        25. Viewing the deployed Web services
        26. Web service sample client
        27. Creating the MQSendService JavaBean
        28. Implementing the MQSendService JavaBean
        29. Creating the MQSendService Web service
        30. Using the Web service wizard
        31. Configuring the Web service identity
        32. Changing the service implementation
        33. Changing the proxy class
        34. Web service sample client
      12. Creating the POManager Web project
      13. Creating the POManager Web Service (1/3)
      14. Creating the POManager Web Service (2/3)
      15. Creating the POManager Web Service (3/3)
        1. Creating the package for JavaBean
        2. Creating the PurchaseOrder JavaBean
        3. Implementing the PurchaseOrder JavaBean
        4. Creating the MQManager Web service Client
        5. Copying the WSDL service implementation
        6. Creating the MQReceiveService Web service client
        7. Creating the MQSendService Web service client
        8. Creating the PurchaseOrderManager JavaBean
        9. Implementing the PurchaseOrderManager JavaBean
        10. Creating the PurchaseOrderManager Web service
      16. Creating the MQTriggerMonitor Web project
      17. Creating the MQTriggerMonitor Web Service (1/3)
      18. Creating the MQTriggerMonitor Web Service (2/3)
      19. Creating the MQTriggerMonitor Web Service (3/3)
        1. Creating the POManager Web service Client
        2. Copying the WSDL service implementation
        3. Creating the PurchaseOrderManager Web service client
        4. Creating the package for JavaBean
        5. Creating the MQConnReceiveWait Java class
        6. Implementing the MQConnReceiveWait Java class
        7. Adding MQ support to the project
        8. Creating the StopValue Java class
        9. Implementing the StopValue Java class
        10. Creating the MQReceiveServiceWait JavaBean
        11. Implementing the MQReceiveServiceWait JavaBean
        12. Creating the MQReceiveServiceWait Web service
        13. Testing the Web service sample client
      20. Deployment (1/2)
      21. Deployment (2/2)
        1. Single server deployment
        2. Actual scenario deployment
    3. Appendix A: Sample SAP code and IDocs (1/2)
    4. Appendix A: Sample SAP code and IDocs (2/2)
    5. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (1/6)
    6. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (2/6)
    7. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (3/6)
    8. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (4/6)
    9. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (5/6)
    10. Appendix B: Sample Java code for Web services (6/6)
    11. Appendix C: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
        1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
        2. How to use the Web material
    12. Related publications
      1. IBM Redbooks
      2. Referenced Web sites
      3. How to get IBM Redbooks
        1. IBM Redbooks collections
    13. Index (1/3)
    14. Index (2/3)
    15. Index (3/3)
    16. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: A B2B Solution using WebSphere Business Integration V4.1 and WebSphere Business Connection V1.1
  • Author(s): Lee Gavin, Gangadhara Rao Akana, Axel Angeli, Sreedhar Reddy Bhumireddy, Peter Gersak, Nizam Ishmael, Hari Kumar Nagumalla, Viral Ved
  • Release date: August 2003
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None