222 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
You have to draw a box around the region you want to compare or type the
region coordinates to specify the region.
Click Next; you will then be asked to define the second region on the screen
(see Figure 7-16 on page 220).
Once again, you have to draw a box at the region you want to compare or type
the region coordinates to specify the region.
Click Next to continue.
Click Back to change the criteria for the screen recognition.
7.4.4 Screen Definition
After you have chosen your criteria for the screen recognition, you will be asked
to confirm your screen definition (see Figure 7-18).
Chapter 7. Host Integration Objects 223
Figure 7-18 Screen Definition
Click Add if you want to add more criteria to the screen recognition. You will be
moved back to the Add Recognition Criterion to Screen Definition panel. See
7.4.3, Add Recognition Criterion to Screen Definition on page 211 for more
details on how to add more criteria.
After you have added more criteria recognition, you will be able to View, Edit or
Remove any of these criteria by clicking their respective button.
Click Next to continue.
You can use the shortcut menu for a screen to modify the Screen Definition later.
Note: In this session, we are using the Text Area Screen Definition as an
example (see Figure 7-18 on page 223).

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