366 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Contains the application pages. The name of this subdirectory is the same as the
application name.
13.3 Deploying applications
Host Publisher deploys applications that have been transferred to the server into
By default, applications must be deployed manually. If you want an application
automatically deployed when the server starts, you must change the
server.properties file.
Some examples of problems are: errors in connection pool configuration files,
missing files, conflicting information, or applications already deployed.
To deploy your applications:
1. Start Host Publisher Server Administration.
2. In the navigation panel on the left, click:
Administration -> Application Administration -> Deploy
3. Check the boxes next to the applications you want to deploy.
4. If protecting fields (such as passwords), enter exactly the same password you
provided during the transfer operation.
5. Click Deploy (see Figure 13-6 on page 367).
Chapter 13. Publishing applications 367
Figure 13-6 Deploying your application
Once you choose the applications you want to deploy, Host Publisher Server
scans the staging area for the application files and, if no problems are found,
moves the files over to the production area for immediate use. The staging area
is then cleared.
If one or more of the applications selected for deployment contain strongly
encrypted user fields, you must enter the Host Publisher encryption key in the
entry field provided. If you do not, only selected applications that do not contain
strongly encrypted user fields are deployed; however, you will receive a message
informing you that one or more applications were not deployed because they
require the password to derive the encryption key.

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