Chapter 17. EJB application support 509
򐂰 The Access Bean remotely invokes the main business method of HPubEJB to
execute the corresponding IO in the Web application server EJB environment.
򐂰 Once HPubEJBs remote main business method returns to the Access Bean,
the result of the IO execution is passed to the Access Bean as a return value.
򐂰 The EJB Access Bean goes back to invoking clients.
򐂰 Invoking clients then issues getters on the Access Bean to get the IO
execution results just as it would with IO itself.
򐂰 For chained Host Access IOs, Access Beans corresponding to chained IOs
communicate with the same HPubEJB instance for all IOs in the chain.
򐂰 Once the last IO in the chain (or only IO in the chain) completes execution,
the Access Bean removes the HPubEJB instance.
17.3 Adding EJB support to Integration Objects
Before developing the sample scenarios, you need to generate EJB support for
your Integration Objects. In this section, we will show you how to generate this
First, select the Create EJB 1.0 Integration Object Support option in the
Options menu (see Figure 17-3 below).
510 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 17-3 Creating Integration Object EJB support files
This option must be checked to generate EJB support files for an Integration
To change the default suffixes appended to the Integration Object name for the
EJB support files, select EJB Integration Object Properties in the Options
menu (see Figure 17-4).
Figure 17-4 Changing suffixes
Chapter 17. EJB application support 511
When you change a suffix, you only change the suffix of the Integration Object on
which you are working.
When you choose to create EJB Integration Object support, EJB support files are
generated during creation of the Integration Object. An EJB Access Bean .jar file
is created in the Integration Object directory. The default name for the EJB
Access Bean .jar file is IONameAccess0.jar where IOName is the name of the
Integration Object. The Integration Object .jar file has additional EJB support
class files added to it.
Figure 17-5 Files created successfully
Once the EJB support files have been created, you can click Details in order to
see the generated files. They are for example (Hobj01 is the Integration Object
򐂰 Hobj01Access0.class,
򐂰 Hobj01Helper.class,
򐂰 Hobj01Properties.class,
򐂰 Hobj01Access0.jar
512 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 17-6 File generation details
A java .properties file (for example, is included in
the EJB Access Bean .jar file.
򐂰 This .properties file specifies parameter values used by the EJB Access
Bean, including:
host name and port number of the JNDI server.
the JNDI name of the Host Publisher EJB to connect to.
򐂰 The default values assume a local JNDI server and a default Host Publisher
EJB JNDI name of com_ibm_HostPublisher_EJB_HPubEJB.

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