574 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
18.5 Using the XML Legacy Gateway Administration
In this section, we show you the steps required to invoke the XML Legacy
Gateway (XLGW) Administration provided as a sample program in the Host
Publisher Version 3.5 product:
1. In order to configure your sessions and links, you first need to access the
XML Legacy Gateway Administration panel through the Host Publisher Server
Administration using Start -> Programs -> Host Publisher-> Host
Publisher Administration.
2. Next, you click the Create New Session button in the Administration panel to
create, for example, a 3270 session. Figure 18-4 illustrates this panel.
Figure 18-4 XML Legacy Gateway Administration panel
Chapter 18. XML Legacy Gateway 575
3. When you select the option to create a new session, the administration
servlet will bring you to the panel shown in Figure 18-5 on page 576. You will
need to configure the following information:
a. Session Name: enter any session name that will help you to identify this
b. Link Name: enter any link name that will help you to identify this link.
c. Link Description: enter any description that will help you to describe this
d. Host Name: enter the host name or IP address of the Telnet 3270 or 5250
e. Port: 23 (default value) or whatever port your server is listening on.
f. Host Type: 3270 or 5250.
g. Host Code Page: 037 (United States) or your required page code.
h. Display Size: 24 x 80 (default) or the window size your application
i. LU or Pool Name: enter the LU or pool name if that is the case
576 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 18-5 Creating a new session in XML Legacy Gateway Administration
4. Click the Save button to create or update the XML configuration file. A sample
configuration file is shown in Figure 18-6 on page 577.
Chapter 18. XML Legacy Gateway 577
Figure 18-6 Sample configuration file (XML format)
5. Once the configuration file is created using the Administration panel, the
session with host can be started by clicking the Start button (see Figure 18-7
on page 578).
578 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 18-7 XML Legacy Gateway: starting the session
6. Alternatively, you can invoke the XLGW portal (hPubPortal servlet) to select
the link that you defined using the XML Legacy Gateway Portal
Administration. For an example, see Figure 18-8.

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