98 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 4-22 Allow Service to Interact with Desktop option
򐂰 Database (JDBC) tracing
Turn on database tracing (see Figure 4-23 on page 99). This option enables
tracing of all Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) activity in WebSphere
Application Server and directs the output to the Host Publisher Server trace file.
Chapter 4. Administration 99
Figure 4-23 Host Publisher Administration: Database(JDBC) Tracing window
Note: All JDBC activity, not just Host Publisher's, is traced while this option is
enabled. It is possible for another application to also enable JDBC tracing and
redirect the output to another location. This would include Host Publisher trace
򐂰 Server tracing
Trace events on the server. This panel contains two groups of options:
Trace Types:
API Tracing: traces calls in and out of other components, such as Host
On-Demand and JDBC.
Entry/exit Tracing: traces internal calls within the server. This is where
most tracing occurs.
Miscellaneous Tracing: traces events not covered by the other two
trace types.
Trace Sources:

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