Hanging positions, 6
nomenclature, 6
numbering systems and, 6–7
Hanging tapes, 325
methods of, 326
Hanging the plot, 44
expediting, 326–327
objectives of, 325–329
preparations for, 325–326
procedures for, 327–329
zoom ellipsoidals in, 329
Hard command, 25
Hard goods, 3
Hard level, 25
Hardpatching, 20
computer control for, 21
Hazers, 38
Head block, 4, 4f
Head flyperson, 42
Head height line, 208, 343
Head highs, 204
Head shot, 418
Headset etiquette, 424
Headset layout diagram, 227
example, 229, 230f
purpose of, 229
Heat shield, 41
HMI. See Metal halide lamps
Home run, 18, 191–193
Hookup(s), 20, 131
arrangements, 136
cue screens and, 136–137
example of preliminary, 133–136,
138–139, 139f
importance of, 136
monitor rows and, 137–138, 137f
tips for using, 138
Hot spot, 7–8, 8f
focus session, positioning, 353
focus tips for, 360
mystery, 437
Hot test
for electronic devices, 343
importance of, 343–344
mults and, 342
performing, 342–344
“Hot tested,”, 44
Hot-zone, 4
load-in, clearing, 316
load-in and, 314
preserving, 314
House, 2
House inventory, 102
House lighting board, 78
House lighting console, 78
analyzing, 103
checklist for defining, 103
defining, 102–103
House lighting system, 78
checklist for defining, 102
defining, 102–104
House lineset schedule, 97–99, 99f
House manual light board, 103–104
House staff, 42–43
House union steward, 307
Housing hardware, 35–36, 36f
HPL lamps, 28–29, 28f
Hue, 39
value of, 39
IATSE. See International Alliance of
Theatrical Stage Employees
“In,”, 5–6
Incandescent lamps, 28
Independent contractor. See Employee
v. independent contractor
Independent master, 21
Individual channel check, 412
Infared light sources (IR sources), 154
Infared systems, 154
Infrastructure cues, 227, 229. See also
Hanging position memories; System
wash memories
purpose of, 238
types of, 238
Inhibitive submasters, 240f, 241, 241f
Instrument schedule, 199, 211–214, 326
control path for, 211, 212f
example, 211–212, 212f, 213f
focus session using, 253
Instrument spreadsheet, 113
cuts and changes updating, 190–191, 190f
lighting system construction with, 145,
Insulators, 18
Insurance. See Certificate of Insurance
Insurance clause, 80
Intermission, 409
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employees (IATSE), 306
“In-trims,”, 345
IR sources. See Infared light sources
Iris, 36, 36f
Key and legend, 200–201
Key memory numbers, 237–238
budget and, 91
estimating salaries for, 91–92
Labor projection, 169–171, 170f
cuts and changes updating, 194, 195f
Ladders, 6
Lamps, 28–29.
See also specific lamps
Law of specular reflection, 351, 351f, 365f
LED. See Light Emitting Diode
Left-and-right scale, 200
Leg opening(s), 5–6
electricity and number of, 123
Leg wash
analyzing, 372–373
focus session for, 372–373, 374f, 375f,
focus session workarounds for,
373–374, 376f
Legs, 5, 5f
masking process, analyzing, 123–124, 208
Preliminary groundplan creation,
transferring, 129–130, 129f
trim session, presetting, 347
See also specific lenses
focal length of, 30, 30f
refraction and, 30, 30f
Library blocks, 234–235, 235f
color and, 38–41
objectives of, 46
properties of, 45–46
Light board operator, 406–407
Light board operator sheets, 268–271
computer lighting console and, 271,
manual, 271, 271f
Light board printout, 276
Light cue. See cue
Light cue level setting session, 45
blackouts and, 409–410
computer lighting console checklist
before, 408
computer lighting console functions/
commands for, 407
environmental configuration checklist
before, 408
example “act two beginning,”, 416f,
example “act two ending,”, 417
example “opening,”, 412f, 410–412
example “the storm,”, 414f, 412–415
general concepts for, 405
lighting designer checklist for, 409
manual light board checklist before,
in pressured situations, 406
procedure for, 403–406
purpose of, 403
saving in, 409
speeding up, 406
tactics for, 405–406
Light cue sheets, 261, 275–276
example of, 278f, 279
hardcopy importance of, 277
history of, 276–277
layout of, 277–279, 278f
purpose of, 276
Light cue track sheet. See Cue track
Light Emitting Diode (LED), 29
Light lines, 3, 3f
Light plot, 7, 45, 199. See also Hanging
the plot; Plotting; Preliminary light
background preparations for, 57–76
backlight system in example, 204
boom sidelight in example, 204
box boom positions in example,
CAD for, 200
downlight systems in example, 204
elements of, 199, 200–201, 202f
focus session using, 234, 253, 254f
FOH positions in example, 201
graphic guidelines for, 115–116
lighting designer choices with,
moving lights and, 7
pipe end template system in example,
pipe ends in example, 204
preliminary, 48–49
scenic stack in example, 204–205
system, wash used in, 8
tips for, 154

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