
This book would not have happened if it were not for the heroic efforts of our phenomenal team, in particular, Cara Harshman and Brian Christian.

It was during a late-afternoon meeting not too long ago when we first asked Cara to help us take on the challenge of writing this book. It was clear to her how big of an opportunity it was to help tell this story and she left that first meeting with unbridled enthusiasm. After dozens of interviews, countless hours of hard work, and many late nights that enthusiasm has not waned. Thank you, Cara.

Brian Christian's original article in Wired1 about A/B testing inspired us to write this book. He was one of the first to write about how A/B testing has led to a cultural transformation away from the HiPPO syndrome toward a meritocracy of ideas and data-driven decision making. It has been a real privilege to have had Brian's help writing this book.

We'd also like to thank the team at John Wiley & Sons, including Richard Narramore, Lydia Dimitriadis, Christine Moore, and Deborah Schindlar. Their support and guidance along the way have been essential to the success of this project.

The feedback from everyone who read early manuscripts of this book has also been tremendously helpful. In particular, we'd like to thank Brooks Bell, Caleb Whitmore, Chris Neumann, Hannah Harrison, Jon Miller, Marianne Siroker, and Teresa Harrison.

The real heroes in this book are the marketers in the trenches who do the hard work of helping transform ...

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