G.6. Tables
The following tables are a compilation of terms and tags from a multitude of sources. They are by no means a comprehensive listing of all the tags currently in use or that have been used, as new tags are generated as programs evolve and as developers create their own objects. That being said, the hope is that having a comprehensive list will save research time while trying to select the right tag or interpret an existing tag.
The following table is a compilation of tags and the objects that they represent. It is in alphabetical order by tag to facilitate looking up a tag to see what it means. Although some developers like to use an s to indicate plural, only the singular (more common) form is listed here.
All Objects | |
Tag | Object |
ani | Animated Button |
Aob | AccessObject |
Aop | AccessObjectProperty |
App | Application |
Bac | Backup |
Bas | Module |
bed | Pen BEdit |
Bfr | BoundObjectFrame |
Bin | Binary |
bln/f | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Brk | Page break |
byt | Byte |
Cat | Catalog |
cbo | Combo box |
Chg | Change |
chk | Check Box |
Chr | Text (character) |
Cht | Chart |
Clm | Columns |
clms | Column |
clp | Picture clip |
cmd | Command button |
cnn {cnx} | Connection |
cnt/con | Container |
col | Collection |
com | Communications |
ctr/ctl | Control (generic) |
cur | Currency |
dap | DataAccessPage |
dat | Data control |
dat/dtm | Date/Time |
db | Database |
dbc/dbcbo | Data-bound combo box |
dbe | DBEngine |
dbg/dbgrd | Data-bound grid |
dbl | Double |
dcm | DoCmd |
ddl | Data definition |
dec | Decimal |
del | Delete |
dir | Directory list box |
dlg/cdl | Common dialog |
dls/dblst | Data-bound list box |
doc | Document |
drv | Drive list box |
dyn/ds | Dynaset |
err | Error |
exp | Export |
f | Flag |
fcd | FormatCondition |
fd | Field object |
fdc | Field collection |
fdlg ... |
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