Chapter 18. Advanced Access Query Techniques


  • Using calculated fields

  • Creating queries that calculate totals

  • Performing totals on groups of records

  • Using different types of queries that total

  • Specifying criteria for queries that total

  • Creating crosstab queries

  • Specifying criteria for crosstab queries

  • Specifying fixed column headings for crosstab queries

In this chapter, you work with more complex queries in greater detail than you did in earlier chapters. If you've followed through this book in order from the beginning, you've worked with select queries and parameters. Chapters 4 and 6 explain relatively simple select queries, in which you select specific records from one or more tables based on some criteria. You have not, however, worked with every option that can be used with Access queries.

As powerful and useful as select queries are, in many situations, you want queries that perform work on the returned data. As I explain in this chapter, Access queries are able to perform complex calculations, group data in ways that are important to users, and find unmatched and missing records.

This chapter covers several advanced ways to build and use Access queries. I cover totals queries that perform statistical calculations on returned data. You also find out about crosstab queries that show data in a number of different ways in a single datasheet. This chapter also explains some important query properties and other options you have when working with Access queries.

Select queries ...

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