Chapter 12
Revenues and Receivables
12.1 Nature and Measurement of Revenue
(a) Definition and Components of Revenue
(c) Measurement, Earning, Realization, and Recognition of Revenue
(iii) Revenue Realization and Recognition
(d) Revenue Recognition Alternatives
(ii) Recognition Before Delivery
(iii) Recognition After Delivery
12.2 Nature and Significance of Receivables
(b) Types of Accounts Receivable
12.3 Criteria for Recognizing Revenue
(b) Attributes Measured by Entry and Exit Values
(c) Financial Accounting Standards Board Conceptual Framework and Revenue Recognition
(d) Specific Recognition Criteria
(e) Characteristics of the Revenue Event or Transaction
(ii) Transfer of the Risks and Rewards of Ownership
(iii) Recognition Based on Events
(f) Characteristics of the Asset Received
(ii) Absence of Obligations and Restrictions
(g) Characteristics of the Revenue Recognized
(h) Securities and Exchange Commission Staff's Views on Recognizing Revenues
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