Accounts Demystified, 7th Edition

Book description

Anthony Rice is not an accountant. He learned accounting the hard way – by keeping accounts for his own company. Having subsequently spent much of his time analysing companies, first as a strategy consultant and more recently when looking for businesses to buy, he has some valuable insights into financial analysis.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Contents
  4. About the author
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Prologue
  8. Introduction
  9. PART 1 The basics of accounting
    1. 1 The balance sheet and the fundamental principle
    2. Assets, liabilities and balance sheets
    3. Sarah’s ‘personal’ balance sheet
    4. The balance sheet of a company
    5. The balance sheet chart
    6. Summary
    7. 2 Creating a balance sheet
    8. Procedure for creating a balance sheet
    9. SBL’s balance sheet
    10. The different forms of balance sheet
    11. Basic concepts of accounting
    12. Summary
    13. 3 The profit & loss account and cash flow statement
    14. The profit & loss account
    15. The cash flow statement
    16. ‘Definitive’ vs ‘descriptive’ statements
    17. Summary
    18. 4 Creating the profit & loss account and cash flow statement
    19. Creating the profit & loss account
    20. Creating the cash flow statement
    21. Summary
    22. 5 Accounting in practice
    23. More essential concepts
    24. Setting up your software
    25. Accounting in a simple world
    26. Accounting in the real world
    27. ’Proving’ your balance sheet
    28. Summary
  10. PART 2 Interpretation and analysis of accounts
    1. 6 Wingate’s annual report
    2. Different types of accounts
    3. The reports
    4. Assets
    5. Liabilities
    6. Shareholders’ equity
    7. The P&L and cash flow statements
    8. 7 Financial analysis: Introduction
    9. The ultimate goal
    10. The two components of a company
    11. The general approach to financial analysis
    12. Wingate’s highlights
    13. Summary
    14. 8 Analysis of the enterprise
    15. Return on capital employed
    16. The components of ROCE
    17. Where do we go from here?
    18. Expense ratios
    19. Capital ratios
    20. Summary
    21. 9 Analysis of the funding structure
    22. The funding structure ratios
    23. Lenders’ perspective
    24. Gearing
    25. Shareholders’ perspective
    26. Liquidity
    27. Summary
    28. 10 Valuation of companies
    29. Book value vs market value
    30. Valuation techniques
    31. Summary
  11. PART 3 Listed company accounts
    1. 11 Listed company accounts: Introduction
    2. Introduction
    3. The primary statements
    4. Terminology and jargon
    5. Accounting standards
    6. Fair value vs historical cost
    7. Summary
    8. 12 Interpretation of Listco’s accounts
    9. Intangible assets
    10. Groups of companies
    11. Accounting for subsidiaries
    12. Accounting for associates and joint ventures
    13. Accounting for investments
    14. Property, plant and equipment
    15. Capital/Funding
    16. Equity
    17. Debt
    18. Financial instruments
    19. Foreign currencies
    20. Hedging
    21. Pensions
    22. Corporation tax
    23. Share buy backs/Treasury shares
    24. Share-based payments
    25. Earnings per share
    26. Conclusion
  12. Glossary
  13. Appendix 1: Wingate Foods’ accounts
  14. Appendix 2: Listco’s accounts
  15. Index
  16. Endorsement
  17. Imprint

Product information

  • Title: Accounts Demystified, 7th Edition
  • Author(s): Anthony Rice
  • Release date: October 2015
  • Publisher(s): Pearson Education
  • ISBN: 9781292084879