Book description
Anthony Rice is not an accountant. He learned accounting the hard way – by keeping accounts for his own company. Having subsequently spent much of his time analysing companies, first as a strategy consultant and more recently when looking for businesses to buy, he has some valuable insights into financial analysis.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title
- Contents
- About the author
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Prologue
- Introduction
PART 1 The basics of accounting
- 1 The balance sheet and the fundamental principle
- Assets, liabilities and balance sheets
- Sarah’s ‘personal’ balance sheet
- The balance sheet of a company
- The balance sheet chart
- Summary
- 2 Creating a balance sheet
- Procedure for creating a balance sheet
- SBL’s balance sheet
- The different forms of balance sheet
- Basic concepts of accounting
- Summary
- 3 The profit & loss account and cash flow statement
- The profit & loss account
- The cash flow statement
- ‘Definitive’ vs ‘descriptive’ statements
- Summary
- 4 Creating the profit & loss account and cash flow statement
- Creating the profit & loss account
- Creating the cash flow statement
- Summary
- 5 Accounting in practice
- More essential concepts
- Setting up your software
- Accounting in a simple world
- Accounting in the real world
- ’Proving’ your balance sheet
- Summary
PART 2 Interpretation and analysis of accounts
- 6 Wingate’s annual report
- Different types of accounts
- The reports
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Shareholders’ equity
- The P&L and cash flow statements
- 7 Financial analysis: Introduction
- The ultimate goal
- The two components of a company
- The general approach to financial analysis
- Wingate’s highlights
- Summary
- 8 Analysis of the enterprise
- Return on capital employed
- The components of ROCE
- Where do we go from here?
- Expense ratios
- Capital ratios
- Summary
- 9 Analysis of the funding structure
- The funding structure ratios
- Lenders’ perspective
- Gearing
- Shareholders’ perspective
- Liquidity
- Summary
- 10 Valuation of companies
- Book value vs market value
- Valuation techniques
- Summary
PART 3 Listed company accounts
- 11 Listed company accounts: Introduction
- Introduction
- The primary statements
- Terminology and jargon
- Accounting standards
- Fair value vs historical cost
- Summary
- 12 Interpretation of Listco’s accounts
- Intangible assets
- Groups of companies
- Accounting for subsidiaries
- Accounting for associates and joint ventures
- Accounting for investments
- Property, plant and equipment
- Capital/Funding
- Equity
- Debt
- Financial instruments
- Foreign currencies
- Hedging
- Pensions
- Corporation tax
- Share buy backs/Treasury shares
- Share-based payments
- Earnings per share
- Conclusion
- Glossary
- Appendix 1: Wingate Foods’ accounts
- Appendix 2: Listco’s accounts
- Index
- Endorsement
- Imprint
Product information
- Title: Accounts Demystified, 7th Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2015
- Publisher(s): Pearson Education
- ISBN: 9781292084879
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