
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures; “t” indicate tables and “b” indicate boxes.’

Absorption coefficients (room)
Eyring, 535–536
Sabine, 535–536
Absorption in air, 536
Acoustic, definition, 11
Acoustic compliance, 54 , 105–106 , 145–149
Acoustic components, 143–229
Acoustic conductance, 106–107 , 471
Acoustic generators, 107–112
Acoustic impedance, 16
Acoustic inertance, See Mass
Acoustic mass, 104–105 , 144
Acoustic materials, 2 , 149 , 347–348 , 535
Acoustic radiation impedance, 821
Acoustic resistance, 106–107 , 149–152
Acoustic transformers, 155–161
Acoustical, definition, 12
Acoustical circuits, 102–112
Acoustical elements, 102–104
Acoustical holography, 713–715
Acoustical ...

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