Arcadia by Tom Stoppard. In the round production directed by Anjalee Deshpande Hutchinson, lighting and set design by Karel Blakeley, costume design by Katrin Naumann. Le Moyne College 2005. Credit: Mark Hutchinson

Arcadia by Tom Stoppard. In the round production directed by Anjalee Deshpande Hutchinson, lighting and set design by Karel Blakeley, costume design by Katrin Naumann. Le Moyne College 2005. Credit: Mark Hutchinson

Credit: drawing courtesy of Pablo Guerra-Monje

Credit: drawing courtesy of Pablo Guerra-Monje

4Embodying Three-Dimensional Resonance

Avatar is a Hindu word that means ‘the manifestation of the divine in physical form.’ Currently in most Western countries it has many meanings, including the name of a popular James Cameron movie that my kids love (about humans living in alien ...

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