Mailbox-Enabling a User

You can easily mailbox-enable a user with very little code using ADSI and CDOEXM. The following code shows you how to mailbox-enable a single user specified by a known DN:

    ' This code creates a mailbox for a user.
    Option Explicit
    Dim strUserDN, strEmailAddr, objUser
    ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------
    strUserDN = "<UserDN>"   ' e.g. cn=DrAmy,cn=Users,dc=mycorp,dc=com
    strHomeMDB = "<Home MDB DN>"
    ' e.g. CN=Mailbox Store (SERVER),CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,
    ' CN=SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,
    '      CN=MYCORP,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,
    '      CN=Configuration,DC=mycorp,DC=com"
    ' ------ END CONFIGURATION ---------
    Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
    objUser.CreateMailBox strHomeMDB
    objUser.SetInfo(  )
    WScript.Echo "Successfully mailbox-enabled user."


Mailbox-enabling a user requires Exchange Data Administrator permissions.

That should all be familiar with the exception of CreateMailBox. CreateMailBox is a method of the IMailBoxStore CDOEXM interface. This method takes a single argument, the LDAP URL of the mail store object, to create the mailbox in. In the background, the specific changes made by the CreateMailBox method are on the user object in Active Directory and include changes to the following attributes:

  • mDBUseDefaults

  • msExchUserAccountControl

  • homeMTA

  • msExchHomeServerName

  • homeMDB

  • mailNickname

  • msExchMailboxGuid

  • msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor

  • legacyExchangeDN

Once all of those ...

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