/* Note: If variables are formatted then the formats will need to be placed before the macro. */ options nocenter linesize=80 nonotes ; %macro adaptci(dataset=, y=, xr=, xa=, seedl=, seed2=,seed3=, maxsteps=8000); data dseed; nextl=&seedl; next2=&seed2; next3=&seed3; data dupdate; c=0; data dgarth(keep=&y &xr &xa); retain n 0; set &dataset;
n = n + 1 ; call symput(‘nobs’,trim(left(put(n,8.) ) ) ); output; proc reg data=dgarth; model &y=&xr &xa/clb; titlel ‘ Regression Analysis with 95% Confidence Intervals ’; /* Now begin finding the adaptive estimate for parameter */ proc glm data=dgarth noprint; model &y=&xr; output out=dresid predicted=yhat1 residual=res; title2 ‘Adaptive weighted least squares analysis’; %adaptwtsl(datares=dresid, resvars=res, nobs=&nobs, nvars=l); data dall; merge dgarth dresid dweights; proc print data=dall ; var &y &xr &xa res weight saswt; title2‘ Data, after adjustment SASWT=weights used by SAS’; proc reg data=dall outest=dunperm outseb noprint; model &y = &xr &xa; weight saswt; data dtunperm(keep=tunperm beta); set dunperm; retain beta; if _type_ eq ‘PARMS’ then beta=&xa; if _type_ eq ‘SEB’ then do; tunperm=beta/&xa; output; end; file print noprint; titlel ‘Adaptive Weighted Least Squares Confidence Intervals’ title2 ‘Search method based on method proposed by ’; title3 ‘Garthwaite, P. H., Biometrics, vol. 52, 1996.’; put ; proc reg data=dgarth outest=dtheta outseb noprint; ; model &y=&xr &xa; data dupdate; ...
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