Adobe Bridge, 74

adding metadata in, 2833

file management in, 2427

finding files in, 3337

integrating with Final Cut Studio, 3738

interface, 10, 11

keyboard shortcuts for, 38

navigating in, 1516

previewing files in, 1724

running modes of, 15

tabs in, 14

Adobe Encore

Blu-ray production using, 235246

Build tab, 266

for creating Web videos, 263270

Adobe Illustrator file, modifying, 101106

Adobe Media Encoder (AME) benefit of, 263

compressing mobile video using, 287291

for creating Watch folder, 261263

for creating Web videos, 260263

file compression in, 95

transcription process in, 94, 95

Adobe OnLocation

audio and video alerts, 5556

clips reviewing, 58

keyboard shortcuts for, 60

in preproduction, 4351

list creation, 44

recording ...

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