Lesson B: Typography Essentials

  • To get started, open the downloaded document called 3 Text Styles.indd. To manage any missing fonts messages, follow the instructions in “Procure a Few Fonts” (page 19). Then go to page 2 of the document. Fit the whole spread in the window to see page 3 as well (⌘-option-0/Ctrl-Alt-0).

    Much more on this chapter’s topics can be found in chapter 3 of the Compendium, “Styles, Type & Fonts.”

Formatting Text

  • With the Type tool, click in the text frame that contains “Pretty Bark” on page 3. Look at the Control panel or the Properties panel for some key formatting options: Font Family, Style, Font Size, Leading, Kerning, Tracking. Also find the Alignment options and the various indents. Hover your cursor over the more ...

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