Adobe® Photoshop® CC on Demand

Book description

Need answers quickly? Adobe Photoshop CC on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.


• Online Workshops that focus on real-world techniques

• Online Adobe certification resources for both ACE and ACA

• More than 500 essential Photoshop CC tasks

Inside the Book

• Improve productivity and efficiency with Adobe Creative Cloud

• Use automatic saving options for better efficiency and protection

• Use automatic layer alignment and blending to work with objects

• Use Adobe Camera Raw to enhance or correct a photo

• Use content-aware options for scaling and fill

• Create eye-catching images with special effect filters

• Select and modify one or more shapes at the same time

• Create character and paragraph styles to manage and use text

• Transform video in Photoshop just like an image

• Create and manipulate 3D models using presets and custom options

Numbered Steps guide you through each task

See Also points you to related information in the book

Did You Know alerts you to tips and techniques

Illustrations with matching steps

Tasks are presented on one or two pages

Bonus Online Content

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• Workshops and related files

• Keyboard shortcutsVisit the author site:

Table of contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Acknowledgments
    1. Perspection, Inc.
    2. Acknowledgments
    3. About the Author
    4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
    1. How This Book Works
    2. What’s New
    3. Keyboard Shortcuts
    4. Step-by-Step Instructions
    5. Real World Examples
    6. Workshops
    7. Adobe Certification
    8. Get More on the Web
  7. 1. Getting Started with Photoshop CC
    1. Introduction
    2. Installing Photoshop
    3. Getting Started
    4. Viewing the Photoshop Window
    5. Showing and Hiding Panels
    6. Working with Panels
    7. Working with Photoshop Tools
    8. Creating a New Document
    9. Selecting Color Modes and Resolution
    10. Creating a New Document Using Presets
    11. Working with Non-Square Pixels
    12. Opening Images
    13. Inserting Images in a Document
    14. Importing Raw Data from a Digital Camera
    15. Working with Smart Objects
    16. Changing Image Size and Resolution
    17. Checking for Updates Online
    18. Getting Help While You Work
    19. Saving a Document
    20. Using the Status Bar
    21. Closing a Document
    22. Finishing Up
  8. 2. Understanding Navigation and Measurement Systems
    1. Introduction
    2. Changing the View Size with the Navigator Panel
    3. Changing the View Area with the Navigator Panel
    4. Changing the Color of the Navigator Panel View Box
    5. Changing the Screen Display Mode
    6. Changing the View with the Zoom Tool
    7. Increasing or Decreasing Magnification
    8. Moving Images in the Document Window
    9. Working with Multiple Documents
    10. Working with One Image in Multiple Windows
    11. Moving Layers Between Documents
    12. Creating Notes
    13. Working with the Info Panel
    14. Changing How the Info Panel Measures Color
    15. Working with Rulers
    16. Taking Measurements in an Image
    17. Counting Objects in an Image
    18. Creating Tool Presets
  9. 3. Customizing the Way You Work
    1. Introduction
    2. Optimizing Photoshop
    3. Setting General Preferences
    4. Setting File Handling Preferences
    5. Setting Interface Preferences
    6. Changing Sync Settings Preferences
    7. Setting Cursors Preferences
    8. Controlling Transparency & Gamut Preferences
    9. Working with Units & Rulers
    10. Working with Guides, Grid & Slices
    11. Setting Plug-Ins Preferences
    12. Selecting Scratch Disks
    13. Allocating Memory & Image Cache
    14. Setting Type Preferences
    15. Managing Libraries with the Preset Manager
    16. Using and Customizing Workspaces
    17. Building Specialized Workspaces
    18. Creating a Customized User Interface
    19. Defining Shortcut Keys
  10. 4. Mastering the Art of Selection
    1. Introduction
    2. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool
    3. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool
    4. Using the Single Row and Single Column Marquee Tools
    5. Using the Lasso Marquee Tool
    6. Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool
    7. Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool
    8. Using the Quick Selection Tool
    9. Using the Magic Wand Tool
    10. Selecting by Color Range
    11. Refining a Selection Edge
    12. Modifying an Existing Selection
    13. Working with an Existing Selection
    14. Copying and Pasting a Selection
    15. Using Channels to Create and Store Selections
    16. Using Free Transform and Transform
    17. Using the Crop Tool
    18. Using the Perspective Crop Tool
    19. Using Content-Aware Scaling
    20. Using Content-Aware Fill
    21. Using Content-Aware Patch
    22. Using Content-Aware Move and Extend
    23. Using Puppet Warp
  11. 5. Working with Layers
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding the Layers Panel
    3. Defining Layer Designations and Attributes
    4. Creating a New Layer
    5. Selecting Layers
    6. Creating a Layer Group
    7. Creating a Selection from a Layer
    8. Creating a Layer from a Selection
    9. Converting a Background into a Layer
    10. Controlling Image Information Using the Layers Panel
    11. Filtering Layers
    12. Isolating Layers
    13. Moving and Copying Layers
    14. Duplicating a Layer
    15. Deleting Layers
    16. Using Merge Layer Options
    17. Linking and Unlinking Layers
    18. Aligning and Combining Layers
    19. Aligning Layers with Smart Guides
    20. Working with Layer Blending Modes
    21. Setting Layer Opacity
    22. Working with the Layer Comps Panel
    23. Exporting Layers as Files
    24. Copying CSS from Layers
    25. Setting Layers Panel Options
  12. 6. Working with the History Panel
    1. Introduction
    2. Setting History Panel Options
    3. Working with Linear and Non-Linear History
    4. Controlling the Creative Process with Snapshots
    5. Duplicating a History State in Another Document
    6. Saving the History State of a Document
    7. Reviewing the History State Text File
    8. Combining the History Brush with a History State
    9. Using the Art History Brush
    10. Changing the Eraser Tool into the History Brush
    11. Controlling History States
  13. 7. Working with Adjustment Layers, Filters, and Tools
    1. Introduction
    2. Creating an Adjustment Layer
    3. Modifying an Adjustment Layer
    4. Merging Adjustment Layers
    5. Creating a Temporary Composite Image
    6. Controlling Adjustment Layers with Clipping Groups
    7. Deleting an Adjustment Layer
    8. Using Blending Modes and Opacity with Layers
    9. Using Masks with Adjustment Layers
    10. Creating Masks with Selections
    11. Using the Add Noise Filter
    12. Using the Reduce Noise Filter
    13. Keeping Proper Perspective with Vanishing Point
    14. Working with the Lens Correction Filter
    15. Using the Box, Surface, and Shape Blur Filters
    16. Using the Gaussian Blur and Despeckle Filters
    17. Using the Unsharp Mask Filter
    18. Using the Shake Reduction Filter
    19. Using the Smart Sharpen Filter
    20. Using Sharpen, Blur, and Smudge Tools
    21. Using the Clone Stamp Tool
    22. Setting Up Multiple Clone Sources
    23. Using the Dodge and Burn Tools
    24. Using the Healing Brush and Patch Tools
    25. Working with the Spot Healing Brush
    26. Working with the Red Eye Tool
    27. Controlling Tonal Range
    28. Working with the Histogram Panel
  14. 8. Understanding Colors and Channels
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with 8-, 16-, and 32-Bit Images
    3. Working with the Channels Panel
    4. Working with Color Modes
    5. Understanding the RGB Color Mode
    6. Understanding the CMYK Color Mode
    7. Understanding the Grayscale Color Mode
    8. Understanding the Bitmap Color Mode
    9. Understanding the Indexed Color Mode
    10. Understanding the Lab Color Mode
    11. Understanding the Duotone Color Mode
    12. Using Multichannel Color Mode
    13. Using the Replace Color Adjustment
    14. Working with the Color Panel
    15. Working with the Swatches Panel
    16. Using the Stroke and Fill Commands
    17. Creating Spot Color Channels
    18. Using the Auto Contrast and Auto Color Commands
    19. Using Levels Adjustment Commands
    20. Using the Exposure Adjustment
    21. Using Curves and Color Adjustments
    22. Adjusting Hue and Saturation
    23. Adjusting Vibrance
    24. Using the Selective Color Adjustment
    25. Using the Channel Mixer Adjustment
    26. Using the Gradient Map Adjustment
    27. Using the Photo Filter Adjustment
    28. Using the Invert and Equalize Commands
    29. Using the Threshold and Posterize Adjustments
    30. Using the HDR Toning Adjustment
    31. Using the Shadows/Highlights Adjustment
    32. Using the Black & White Adjustment
    33. Using the Match Color Adjustment
  15. 9. Using the Paint, Shape Drawing, and Eraser Tools
    1. Introduction
    2. Selecting Foreground and Background Colors
    3. Using the Brush and Brush Presets Panels
    4. Modifying the Brush Presets Panel
    5. Selecting Brush Tip Sets
    6. Adjusting Brush Tips
    7. Adjusting Bristle Brush Tips
    8. Creating Customized Brush Tips
    9. Saving Customized Brush Tips
    10. Working with the Brush and Airbrush Tools
    11. Working with the Mixer Brush Tool
    12. Working with the Pencil Tool
    13. Working with Auto Erase
    14. Working with the Line Tool
    15. Working with the Shape Tool
    16. Working with the Custom Shape Tool
    17. Working with Shape Layers
    18. Arranging Shape Layers
    19. Creating a Custom Shape
    20. Saving Custom Shape Sets
    21. Using the Paint Bucket Tool
    22. Working with the Eraser Tools
    23. Working with the Magic Eraser Tool
    24. Creating and Applying Gradients
    25. Creating and Saving Customized Gradients
    26. Using the Color Replacement Tool
  16. 10. Creating Masks
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding Layer and Vector Masks
    3. Creating a Layer Mask
    4. Using Paint Tools with Layer Masks
    5. Using Selections to Generate Complex Layer Masks
    6. Using Layer Masks to Generate Soft Transparency
    7. Creating Unique Layer Mask Effects
    8. Creating a Vector Mask
    9. Modifying Layer and Vector Masks
    10. Modifying Selection Masks
    11. Creating Channel Masks
    12. Creating Channel Masks from Scratch
    13. Modifying Channel Mask Options
    14. Creating Channel Masks from Selections
    15. Making Channel Masks from Native Color Channels
    16. Loading Channel Masks from Selections
    17. Moving Channel Masks Between Documents
    18. Combining Channel Masks
    19. Using the Quick Mask Mode
    20. Working with Quick Mask Options
    21. Modifying Selections with Quick Mask Mode
  17. 11. Using the Paths Panel
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding Vector and Raster Images
    3. Converting a Selection into a Path
    4. Working with Pen Tools
    5. Creating Paths Using the Freeform Pen Tool
    6. Using the Magnetic Option with the Freeform Pen Tool
    7. Adding and Deleting Anchor Points
    8. Modifying Anchor Points
    9. Modifying Existing Direction Lines
    10. Converting Straight Points and Curved Points
    11. Working with Clipping Paths
    12. Filling an Area of an Image Using Paths
    13. Stroking an Area of an Image Using Paths
    14. Creating Shapes as Paths
    15. Exporting Paths to Adobe Illustrator
    16. Exporting Paths Using the Export Method
  18. 12. Working with Layer Styles
    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding Layer Styles
    3. Adding a Layer Style
    4. Creating and Modifying a Drop Shadow
    5. Working with Bevel and Emboss
    6. Working with Contour and Texture
    7. Applying a Color Overlay
    8. Using the Stroke Layer Style
    9. Using Pattern Overlays
    10. Working with Outer Glow and Inner Shadow
    11. Applying an Inner Glow Style
    12. Creating Customized Layer Styles
    13. Creating Customized Styles Using the Styles Panel
    14. Moving Existing Layer Styles
  19. 13. Getting Creative with Type
    1. Introduction
    2. Using Standard Type Tools
    3. Working with Type Options
    4. Working with the Character Panel
    5. Working with the Paragraph Panel
    6. Setting Anti-aliasing Options
    7. Using the Warp Text Option
    8. Creating Type Styles
    9. Working with Type Styles
    10. Working with Default Type Styles
    11. Using Spell Check
    12. Finding and Replacing Text
    13. Using the Rasterize Type Command
    14. Creating Work Paths and Shapes from Type Layers
    15. Creating Shape Layers
    16. Creating a Type Mask
    17. Isolating Image Pixels Using a Type Mask
    18. Creating Chiseled Type with a Type Mask
    19. Using Masks to Generate Special Effects
    20. Creating and Modifying Text on a Path
  20. 14. Manipulating Images with Filters
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with the Filter Gallery
    3. Creating and Working with Smart Filters
    4. Applying Multiple Filters to an Image
    5. Applying the Liquify Filter
    6. Working with Liquify Options
    7. Working with Liquify Mask Options
    8. Working with Liquify View Options
    9. Creating a Liquify Mesh
    10. Applying a Liquify Mesh
    11. Using the Camera Raw Filter
    12. Using the Upright Filter
    13. Using the Radial Filter
    14. Using the Spot Removal Filter
    15. Using the Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
    16. Using the Oil Paint Filter
    17. Using the Lighting Effects Filter
    18. Using the Blur Filter Gallery
    19. Using the Lens Blur Filter
    20. Working with Photo Filters
    21. Blending Modes and Filter Effects
    22. Building Custom Patterns
    23. Applying a Fade Effect
    24. Controlling Filters Using Selections
    25. Using a Channel Mask to Control Filter Effects
    26. Protecting Images with Watermarks
    27. Viewing Various Filter Effects
  21. 15. Automating Your Work with Actions
    1. Introduction
    2. Examining the Actions Panel
    3. Building a New Action
    4. Recording an Action
    5. Adding a Stop to an Action
    6. Controlling the Playback of a Command
    7. Adding a Command to an Action
    8. Deleting a Command from an Action
    9. Working with Modal Controls in an Action
    10. Changing the Order of Commands in an Action
    11. Copying an Action
    12. Running an Action Inside an Action
    13. Setting a Condition in an Action
    14. Inserting a Non-Recordable Command into an Action
    15. Moving and Copying Actions Between Sets
    16. Saving Actions into Sets
    17. Saving Actions as Files
    18. Running a Built-in or Custom Script
    19. Enhancing the Process with Droplets
    20. Using a Droplet
  22. 16. Controlling Image Output
    1. Introduction
    2. Setting Document Print Options
    3. Setting Print Output Options
    4. Setting Print Color Management Options
    5. Printing a Document in Macintosh
    6. Printing a Document in Windows
    7. Changing Printer Settings
    8. Printing One Copy
    9. Understanding File Formats
    10. Saving a Document with a Different File Format
    11. Inserting File Information into a Document
    12. Understanding File Compression
    13. Understanding Monitor, Image, and Device Resolution
    14. Preparing Clip Art for the Web
    15. Preparing a Photograph for the Web
    16. Preparing an Image for the Press
    17. Preparing an Image for an Inkjet or Laser Printer
    18. Sharing on Behance
  23. 17. Working with Automate Commands
    1. Introduction
    2. Working with Batch File Processing
    3. Working with Conditional Mode Change
    4. Cropping and Straightening Photos
    5. Converting a Multi-Page PDF to PSD
    6. Creating a Contact Sheet
    7. Creating Panoramic Images
    8. Processing Lens Corrections
    9. Merging Images to HDR Pro
    10. Processing Multiple Image Files
    11. Adjusting an Image Fit Size
  24. 18. Managing Color from Monitor to Print
    1. Introduction
    2. Producing Consistent Color
    3. Calibrating Using Hardware and Software
    4. Setting Up Soft-Proof Colors
    5. Changing from Additive (RGB) to Subtractive (CMYK) Color
    6. Working with Rendering Intents
    7. Printing a Hard Proof
    8. Working with Color Management
    9. Embedding ICC Color Profiles
    10. Assigning a Different Profile to a Document
    11. Converting Document Colors to Another Profile
    12. Using Hue/Saturation for Out-Of-Gamut Colors
    13. Using the Sponge Tool for Out-Of-Gamut Colors
    14. Working with the Out-Of-Gamut Warning
  25. 19. Designing for the Web and Devices
    1. Introduction
    2. Saving for the Web
    3. Working with Save for Web Options
    4. Optimizing an Image to File Size
    5. Working with Web File Formats
    6. Optimizing a JPEG Document
    7. Optimizing a GIF Document
    8. Optimizing a PNG-8 Document
    9. Optimizing a PNG-24 Document
    10. Optimizing a WBMP Document
    11. Slicing Images the Easy Way
    12. Working with Slices
    13. Arranging Slices
    14. Saving a Sliced Image for the Web
    15. Adding HTML Text or an URL Link to a Slice
    16. Defining and Editing Web Data Variables
    17. Exporting an Image to Zoomify
  26. 20. Working with Video
    1. Introduction
    2. Opening Video Files and Image Sequences
    3. Creating a Video Layer
    4. Modifying a Video Layer
    5. Creating a Video Group
    6. Adding Text to a Video Layer
    7. Splitting a Video Layer
    8. Cloning Video Layer Content
    9. Adding a Transition to a Video Layer
    10. Adding Audio to a Video Layer
    11. Creating an Animation
    12. Working with Animation
    13. Exporting Directly to Video
    14. Creating an Image from a Video
  27. 21. Working with 3D Models
    1. Introduction
    2. Setting 3D Preferences
    3. Creating 3D Models
    4. Creating 3D Models Using Preset Shapes
    5. Viewing the 3D Workspace
    6. Modifying 3D Models
    7. Working with 3D Models
    8. Painting 3D Models
    9. Creating 3D Type
    10. Adjusting Light with 3D Models
    11. Rendering and Saving 3D Models
  28. 22. Working Together with Adobe Programs
    1. Introduction
    2. Exploring Adobe Programs
    3. Exploring Adobe Bridge
    4. Getting Started with Adobe Bridge
    5. Getting Photos from a Digital Camera
    6. Working with Raw Images from a Digital Camera
    7. Modifying Images in Camera Raw
    8. Working with Images Using Adobe Bridge
    9. Setting Preferences in Adobe Bridge
    10. Applying Image Adjustments
    11. Automating Tasks in Adobe Bridge
    12. Using Mini Bridge
    13. Scripting with Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit
    14. Working with Adobe Media Encoder
    15. Working with Adobe Extension Manager
    16. Using the Adobe Exchange Panel
    17. Accessing Adobe Creative Cloud
  29. New! Features
    1. Adobe Photoshop CC
  30. Adobe Certification
    1. About Adobe Certifications
    2. What Does This Logo Mean?
    3. About the Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Program
    4. What Is an ACE?
    5. Choosing an ACE Certification Level
    6. Preparing for an ACE Exam
    7. Getting ACE Recertified
    8. Taking an ACE Exam
    9. About the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program
    10. What is an ACA?
    11. Preparing for an Adobe Certified Associate Exam
    12. Taking an Adobe Certified Associate Exam
    13. Getting More Information
  31. Index

Product information

  • Title: Adobe® Photoshop® CC on Demand
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: July 2013
  • Publisher(s): Que
  • ISBN: 9780133480016