188 LESSON 8 Working with Sound
5 In the Custom Setup box, do the following:
Make sure that Compressor is selected.
Deselect Auto
Type 12.00 into the MakeUp text box. Note that we’ve used a relatively high
level to make sure you hear the eff ect. If you think the result sounds slightly
distorted, you can always enter a lower number to use a lower level.
6 Press the Home key, and then press the spacebar to again play the video.
7 Choose File > Save As, and save the fi le as Lesson08_ End.prel.
Exploring on your own
Great news: You’ve fi nished another lesson and learned the basics of working
with sound. Specifi cally, you learned to create a custom-length soundtrack with
SmartSound, how to use the Audio Mixer, how to adjust audio gain directly, how to
create and adjust keyframes in the Timeline and Properties view, how to add narra-
tion to your projects, and how to boost the legibility of that narration.
But you’re not fi nished yet.  e best way to master the audio tools in Adobe
Premiere Elements is to continue to explore them until you’re really comfortable
with all of its soundtrack creation capabilities.
1 Experiment with diff erent songs available in SmartSound.  ink of some
projects you have upcoming (birthdays, holidays, vacations) and try to fi nd the
appropriate tracks for those videos.
2 Experiment with various audio eff ects such as Delay and Dynamics. A
description of Adobe Premiere Elements audio eff ects can be found in the
“Audio Eff ects” section of Adobe Premiere Elements Help.
3 As you did for the fade-in of the soundtrack, try to create a fade-out for the end
of your project.

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