The Connection String

When creating a connection, you must specify several pieces of required information. Typically, this includes the type of authentication or user to authenticate, the location of the database server, and the name of the database. In addition, OLE DB connection strings specify an OLE DB provider, and ODBC connection strings specify an ODBC driver. To specify this information, use the ConnectionString property.

The ConnectionString contains a series of name/value settings delimited by semicolons (;). The order of these settings is unimportant, as is the capitalization. Taken together, they specify the information needed to create a connection. Table 3-3 describes some settings you can use. Parameters that are used for connection pooling are omitted; they are discussed later in this chapter.


Connection strings are data source-specific, although they tend to have broad similarities. Most parameters in Table 3-2 are supported by the SQL Server, OLE DB, and Oracle providers, although some exceptions apply. Consult the documentation for your particular database product or your OLE DB or ODBC driver for more information.

Table 3-3. Basic connection string parameters



AttachDBFilename / Initial File Name

Used only if you want to connect to an attachable database file (for example, an .mdf file that isn’t registered with the database system). Normally, you use the Initial Catalog parameter instead.

Connect Timeout / Connection Timeout

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