Committing and Discarding Changes

When a DataRow is modified, ADO.NET marks the row as having a changes and sets the RowState of the DataRow to Added, Modified, or Deleted, as appropriate. ADO.NET also maintains version information by storing both Original and Current versions of each row. Together, this information allows ADO.NET or an application to identify the rows and columns that have been changed.

AcceptChanges and RejectChanges

The AcceptChanges( ) and RejectChanges( ) methods either accept or reject the changes that have been made to the DataSet since it was last loaded from the data source or since AcceptChanges( ) was last called.

The AcceptChanges( ) method commits all pending changes within the DataSet. Calling AcceptChanges( ) changes the RowState of Added and Modified rows to Unchanged. Deleted rows are removed. The Original values for the DataRow are set to the Current values. Calling the AcceptChanges( ) method has no effect on the data in the underlying data source.

The AcceptChanges( ) method is implicitly called on a row when the DataAdapter successfully updates that row back to the data source when the Update( ) method is called. As a result, when a DataAdapter is used to update the data source with the changes made to the DataSet, AcceptChanges( ) doesn’t need to be called. Calling AcceptChanges( ) on a DataSet filled using a DataAdapter effectively removes all information about how the DataSet has been changed since it was loaded. This makes it impossible ...

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