


This enumeration specifies values for common OLE DB data types. For information about the mapping between these enumerated values, the underlying OLE DB type, and the compatible .NET framework type, refer to Appendix A.

public enum OleDbType {

   Empty = 0,

   SmallInt = 2,

   Integer = 3,

   Single = 4,

   Double = 5,

   Currency = 6,

   Date = 7,

   BSTR = 8,

   IDispatch = 9,

   Error = 10,

   Boolean = 11,

   Variant = 12,

   IUnknown = 13,

   Decimal = 14,

   TinyInt = 16,

   UnsignedTinyInt = 17,

   UnsignedSmallInt = 18,

   UnsignedInt = 19,

   BigInt = 20,

   UnsignedBigInt = 21,

   Filetime = 64,

   Guid = 72,

   Binary = 128,

   Char = 129,

   WChar = 130,

   Numeric = 131,

   DBDate = 133,

   DBTime = 134,

   DBTimeStamp = 135,

   PropVariant = 138,

   VarNumeric = 139,

   VarChar = 200,

   LongVarChar = 201,

   VarWChar = 202,

   LongVarWChar = 203,

   VarBinary = 204,

   LongVarBinary = 205



System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) OleDbType

Returned By


Passed To

OleDbParameter.{OleDbParameter( ), OleDbType}, OleDbParameterCollection.Add( )

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