Running the sample ES-Hadoop project

We assume that you have downloaded the ES-Hadoop project, which is located in the eshadoop folder. The following step-by-step instructions are for running the sample ES-Hadoop project:

  1. Show the downloaded folder and take a look at the contents of the eshadoop folder. It is almost the same as what you got after you performed the steps in the last section:
$ ls bin include lib pip-selfcheck.json requirements.txt share src
  1. Run the source command to use the virtual environment built for eshadoop:
$ source bin/activate(eshadoop) $
  1. Run this command to go to the src working directory:
(eshadoop) $cd src
  1. Take a look at the eshadoop/src/com/example folder:
(eshadoop) $ ls com/example/*com/example/spark: ...

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