Test case 3 - should return 404 if object id is invalid 

The last test we're going to write is it('should return 404 if object id is invalid'). This test is going to verify that when we have an invalid ObjectID, we do get a 404 status code back which is the expected response status code:

describe('DELETE /todos/:id', () => {
   it('should remove a todo', (done) => {
   it('should return 404 if todo not found', (done) => {

   it('should return 404 if object id is invalid', (done) => {


Now, these two tests we'll fill out a little bit later; we're going to go ahead and focus on the first one because this is where we're going to need to do a few complex things. Not only are we going to need to send off the request, but after the request ...

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