5.10. PLVexc: Exception Handling
The PLVexc (PL/Vision EXCeption handling) package provides generic and powerful exception-handling capabilities. See Chapter 22 for details.
5.10.1. Package constants
c_go CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'C';
Requests that your program continue (ignore the error). Explained in more detail below.
c_recNgo CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'RC';
Requests that your program record the error and then continue. Explained in more detail below.
c_stop CONSTANT CHAR(1) := 'H';
Requests that your program be halted if this exception occurs. Explained in more detail below.
c_recNstop CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'RH';
Requests that your program record the error and then halt. Explained in more detail below.
5.10.2. Package-based exceptions
process_halted EXCEPTION;
Package-specific exception raised when you request a "halt" action in the handler programs.
no_such_table EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (no_such_table, -942);
Predefined system exception for error ORA-942. Saves other developers from dealing with the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma.
snapshot_too_old EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (snapshot_too_old, -1555);
Predefined system exception for error ORA-1555. Saves other developers from dealing with the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma.
5.10.3. Logging exception-handling activity
Requests that whenever a PLVexc handler is called, a message is sent to the PL/Vision log.
Do not log the handling action when the exception is recorded and handled. with the COMMIT. ...
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