
12-bit capture, 19, 37

16-bit (high-bit) capture, 21, 22, 37, 43

24-bit color (8-bits per channel), 8, 19, 37, 382

24/7 opening on web, 326

48-bit color (16-bits per channel), 19, 20

ACR see Adobe Camera Raw

Adams, Ansel, 390

Add Noise filter, 197, 215

Adding photos, photo collages, 348-9

Adjust Color Curves feature, 12, 234-5

Adjust Sharpness filter, 212, 387

Adjust Smart fix, 126

Adjustment Layers:

black and white conversion, 167

description, 156

editing, 133

masks, 162

Photoshop, 141-2

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

bit capture, 19

camera exposure, 60

camera profiles, 84

dialog, 64-5, 66

editor, 36-7

interface, 64-83

JPEG/TIFF, files 283

multiple files, 78

output options, 80-3

Photoshop Lightroom, 406

plug-ins, 92

preview space, 65-6

processing, ...

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