© Matt Wiley and Joshua F. Wiley 2019
Matt Wiley and Joshua F. WileyAdvanced R Statistical Programming and Data Modelshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2872-2_12

12. GLMMs: Advanced

Matt Wiley1  and Joshua F. Wiley1
Columbia City, IN, USA

This chapter on generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) builds on the foundation of working with multilevel data from the GLMMs Introduction chapter and the GLMMs Linear chapter that focused strictly on continuous, normally distributed outcomes. This chapter focuses on GLMMs for other types of outcomes, specifically for binary outcomes and count outcomes.

We do use the optimx package [70] and the dfoptim package [97]. While not used directly (they are dependencies), they do need to be installed.
library(checkpoint) ...

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