
ATDD Acceptance Test-Driven Development, a software design methodology based on the design of acceptance tests (unit testing level) and the development of the minimum code necessary for the tests to pass successfully. It is related to BDD and TDD. It should be noted that the term “acceptance” is taken here in the sense of acceptance by the developers and not “acceptance” by the users.
BDD Behavior-Driven Development, an agile development method combining the principles and techniques of TDD and languages (e.g. gherkin) to define the behavior and the expected results. BDD is considered an effective technique or practice when the problem to be solved is complex.
BI Business Intelligence, the term encompassing the strategies and technologies used by companies for data analysis and business information management. In general, this involves the analysis of large volumes of data, structured or not, in order to interpret this data, identify opportunities and implement effective strategies based on their analyses.
BIT Built-In Test, an internal component test (hardware or software) allowing the component to ensure its proper technical or functional operation.
BVA Boundary Value Analysis, a testing technique focusing on the analysis of boundary values (valid and invalid) of ordered equivalence partitions.
CAF Capacité à Faire, team bandwidth, the ability of a team to perform a job or effort.
CBIT Continuous Built-In Test, an internal component test (hardware ...

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