
Note: Page numbers followed by “b”, “f” and “t” refer to boxes, figures and tables respectively


2-to-1 design, 59–61
80-20 specifications, 16–17
twelve principles, 15b


Agile, 6, 325–326
Agile data warehousing, 325–328
challenge of breadth, 19–22
challenge of depth, 22–26
cycles within, See Cycles
testing requirements, 288–292
warnings, 30–31
Agile methods, 4–8, 14
advantages, 18, 22t
Agile modeling, 24
Analytics, 4, 171
Application wireframes, 136–137
Architectural layers, 3–4, 19–20, 244
Architectural reserve, 64
Automated and continuous integration testing. see Testing
Automated testing, 294–297
Automation, need for, 292–293


Basis-of-estimate (BOE) cards, 53–54, 54t, 215–216, 298–299
Big bang approach, 8
Big design up-front ...

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