13 Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer

Pradyumna Kumar Sahoo


Devidarshinee Pradhan andPrasanta Kumar Satpathy


Prateek Kumar Sahoo

SOA University


13.1   Introduction

13.2   Structure of DVR

13.3   Transformerless DVR

13.4   DVR Control Scheme

13.5   Simulation Results

13.6   Conclusion


13.1   Introduction

Among many types of disturbances that can appear in power system, voltage sags can lead to the highest level of undesirable impact on sensitive loads. Short circuit faults, starting up of large loads such as induction motors are the major causes of this voltage sag. For the compensation of the amount of voltage sag, dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is designed. It is also proposed ...

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