Job no:81378-5 Title : RP_All Access (New PB Verdions) Client : Pro-vision
Scn :
175 Size : 203.2(w)254(h)mm Co : M6 (mac J)
Dept : DTP D/O : 22.10.05 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.04 Co: CM0)
5th Black
Job no:
Scn :
Dept : D
Sci-Arc Lecture Poster.”
“Prior to designing this poster.”
for the Southern California.”
Institute of Architecture I had.”
seen a great flamenco.”
performance in San Miguel de.”
Allende. The poster serves.”
many functions for very.”
little cost. In the spirit of the.”
theme ‘Transformations,’”
the four-color image was.”
printed first. Then the fall.”
series lecture information was.”
added. In the spring, the.”
poster was inverted and imprinted.”
with new spring lectures.”
and dates. The poster without.”
the imprint got cut down.”
into thirty-two different post-”
cards with information on.”
the mailing side. I produced.”
all the photography and.”
digital images.”
Denise Gonzales Crisp went from a series
of jobs that left her artistically unfulfilled
to creating the visual identity for one of the
world’s preeminent art schools. She now
leads the graphic design department at the
University of North Carolina, shaping the
next generation of designers.
All_Access_110-153-10-13-05-M6.qxd 10/24/05 5:20 PM Page 144
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