Chapter 18. DON'T BE SHY

Never assume that what you have to say is of no importance and little interest. Go ahead and mail, fax, or e-mail that press release. Write that ad or direct mail piece. Publish that blog. Put up that banner. It is like the punch line where the man says, "Why am I telling you? I'm telling everyone!"

Believe it to be newsworthy and others will begin to share your enthusiasm. The importance of your news is often judged by how importantly you treat it. If it is worth the time and effort for you to do it up right, the recipient is more likely to be impressed than if you merely "mumble" the information. Dress your occasion up with a fresh, good idea and it is more than likely that what you are promoting will be taken more seriously. If you want the world to marvel at your news, make your story as marvelous as possible.

What if you do not have big, earthshaking news? Put a fresh coat of paint on the news you do have. Give it a twist, turn it inside out, put a positive spin on it, and come up with a good idea to tell the world news such as:

  • It's your business's birthday

  • Your company has relocated

  • You joined an organization

  • You were made an officer of an organization

  • You/your company received an award

  • You received a thank-you letter from a customer

  • You have produced a new Phufkel

  • You have created an improved Phufkel

  • Someone famous bought a Phufkel from you

  • You contributed a Phufkel to an auction

  • You've had a staffing change

  • It's national "Phufkel" week (Create one!)

Here are some ...

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