... Line 4. social security number colon 222 hyphen 22 hyphen 2222. Line 5. gross sales colon 10000 period 00. Line 6. commission rate colon 0 period 06. Line 7. Call Base Plus Commission Employee's to String with subclass reference to. Line 8. subclass object colon. Line 9. base hyphen salaried commission employee colon Bob Lewis. Line 10. social security number colon 333 hyphen 33 hyphen 3333. Line 11. gross sales colon 5000 period 00. Line 12. commission rate colon 0 period 04. Line 13. base salary colon 300 period 00. Line 14. Call Base Plus Commission Employee's to String with superclass reference to. Line 15. subclass object colon. Line 16. base hyphen salaried commission employee colon Bob Lewis. Line 17. social security number colon 333

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