


Amazed game, 333

functionality, 1516

Access File Location permission, 90


files, 17

Home screen, 153

resources, 186


Android Market, 198199

Google account, 198199

Google Checkout Merchant Account, 206

action bar, 235236

active installs, 211

active/running state of activity, 112


active/running state, 112

activity group, 111

bundle, 117

configuration changes, 116

content view, 117

create and resuming state, 112

creating, 112, 116117

defined, 30, 111112

entire lifetime, 114

event handlers, 118120

event listeners, 117

events, 118

foreground lifetime, 114

Fragments, 114

how they work, 112

intents, 229

life cyle, 113115 file, 116117

managing, 112

methods, 114116

naming patterns, 62

paused state, 112

retrieving values from previous activities, 230

stacks, 112

states, 112

stopped state, 112

touch events, 118

user input, 117

values, 230

visible lifetime, 114

Activity class, 111, 317

Activity manager, 38

adapter pattern, 270271


app widgets to the Home screen, 180, 182

classes, 122

images, 163166

add-ons folder (Android SDK), 52

AdMob, 205

AdSense (Google), 205

ADT (Android Development Tools)

Eclipse IDE, 4850

installing, 4850

why you need it, 41, 48

ADT Export wizard, 194

Agile Medicine, 25

AlarmManager class, 216, 295298


broadcasting, 298299

CPU wake lock, 296, 300302

creating, 216

persisting, 302303

rebooting devices, 303306

resetting, 303306

setting, 296298

AlertDialog class, 257 ...

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