© Deepak Vohra 2016

Deepak Vohra, Apache HBase Primer, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2424-3_12

12. Region Failover

Deepak Vohra

(1)Apt 105, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

Apache HBase provides automatic failover on RegionServer crashes. When a RegionServer crashes, the HBase cluster and the data remain available. When a RegionServer crashes, all the regions on the RegionServer migrate to another RegionServer. The Master handles RegionServer failures by assigning the regions handled by the failed RegionServer to another RegionServer.

A RegionServer crash is different from an administrator stopping a RegionServer, which allows for the RegionServer to close the regions and shut down properly and for the Master to reassign the closed regions.

MTTR (Mean Time ...

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