© Deepak Vohra 2016

Deepak Vohra, Apache HBase Primer, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2424-3_2

2. Apache HBase and HDFS

Deepak Vohra

(1)Apt 105, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

Apache HBase runs on HDFS as the underlying filesysystem and benefits from HDFS features such as data reliability, scalability, and durability. HBase stores data as Store Files (HFiles) on the HDFS Datanodes. HFile is the file format for HBase and org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile is a Java class. HFile is an HBase-specific file format that is based on the TFile binary file format. A Store File is a lightweight wrapper around the HFile. In addition to storing table data HBase also stores the write-ahead logs (WALs ), which store data before it is written to HFiles on HDFS. ...

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