Using Unobtrusive Ajax Forms

Let's use the MVC support for Ajax to add support for posting forms for updates. Listing 30-6 shows the changes to the Index.cshtml view to enable this feature.

Listing 30-6. Using Ajax forms

@model string @{     ViewBag.Title = Model + " Report";     AjaxOptions ajaxOpts = new AjaxOptions {         UpdateTargetId = "datatable"     }; } <h2>@Model</h2> @using (Ajax.BeginForm("RegistrationTable", ajaxOpts)) {     @Html.DropDownList("competition", new SelectList(ViewBag.CompetitionNames, Model))     <input type="submit" value="Show Report" /> } <p /> @Html.Action("RegistrationTable", new { competition = Model })

We have to make two changes to enable Ajax forms. The first is to define an AjaxOptions object, which ...

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