Chapter 3: Interpretation of the Fitted Logistic Regression Model

3.1 Introduction

In Chapters 1 and 2 we discussed the methods for fitting and testing for the significance of the logistic regression model. After fitting a model the emphasis shifts from the computation and assessment of significance of the estimated coefficients to the interpretation of their values. Strictly speaking, an assessment of the adequacy of the fitted model should precede any attempt at interpreting it. In the case of logistic regression, the methods for assessment of fit are rather technical in nature and thus are deferred until Chapter 5, at which time the reader should have a good working knowledge of the logistic regression model. Thus, we begin this chapter assuming that a logistic regression model has been fit, that the variables in the model are significant in either a clinical or statistical sense, and that the model fits according to some statistical measure of fit.

The interpretation of any fitted model requires that we be able to draw practical inferences from the estimated coefficients in the model. The question being addressed is: What do the estimated coefficients in the model tell us about the research questions that motivated the study? For most statistical models this involves the estimated coefficients for the independent variables in the model. In most instances, the intercept coefficient is of little interest. The estimated coefficients for the independent variables represent the ...

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