5.2. Single Population
5.2.1. Profile Analysis
Profile of Memory Data Srivastava and Carter (1983, p. 201) presented an example where a group of ten subjects was given a memory test three times. The purpose of the study was to test if there were any differences in the test scores for the three trials. In other words, if μ′ = (μ1, μ2, μ3) is the vector of true mean scores at three occasions, then we wish to test H0 : μ1 = μ2 = μ3. A graphical representation of the elements of μ (i.e., graph of μi versus i) is called a profile of the vector μ. Using this terminology, our null hypothesis represents the hypothesis of a horizontal profile. The sample profile, that is, a profile for the sample mean vector is given in Output 5.1 generated by Program ...
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