© Norman Dunbar 2024
N. DunbarArduino Software InternalsMaker Innovations Serieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/979-8-8688-0171-6_7

7. ATmega328P Configuration and Management

Norman Dunbar1  
Rawdon, West Yorkshire, UK

In this, and the next two chapters, I’ll dig deeper into the ATmega328P microcontroller itself and take a look at some very important features of the device, many of which are either ignored, unused, or just too confusing as you read through the data sheet.

Chapter 7 looks at those features which allow the ATmega328P to be configured and which provide a certain amount of protection and power reduction for application code—this can help it run on battery power alone in some cases.

Chapters 8 and 9 look deeper at the actual, usable hardware ...

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