3.3. Solution
Now that all the base classes are defined, we can create an edit object that uses the ENTUserAccount classes built in the DAL to manage ENTUserAccount records in our application. This object is considered an edit object because the application will allow users to add and update users. If there were no need for adding or updating, then the base class would be the ENTBaseBO class, rather than the ENTBaseEO class.
Here are the business requirements that apply to "users" in the system:
Users can be added and updated in the system. (Business rule)
Users cannot be deleted. (Validation rule)
Users must be identified by their Windows Logon ID for single sign-on. (Business rule)
User account names are required and must be unique. (Validation rule)
User first name, last name, and e-mail are required. (Validation rule)
E-mail addresses must be unique. (Validation rule)
E-mail addresses must contain the @ sign, end in V2.com, and have at least two letters to the left of the @ sign. (Validation rule)
3.3.1. The First Edit Object Class
Add a class to the V2.PaidTimeOffBLL project in the Framework folder called ENTUserAccountEO. Add using directives to reference the V2.PaidTimeOffDAL and V2.PaidTimeOffDAL.Framework namespaces. Add the Serializable attribute to the class and change the scope to public. The class should inherit from the ENTBaseEO class because the user will be able to add and update users. If you press Shift+Alt+F10 while on the ENTBaseEO name, you will get a menu to ...
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