Video description
In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.
Build professional-grade full-stack web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core.
In ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition you’ll learn how to:
- Build minimal APIs for serving JSON to client-side applications
- Create dynamic, server-side rendered applications using Razor Pages
- User authentication and authorization
- Store data using Entity Framework Core
- Unit and integration tests for ASP.NET Core applications
- Write custom middleware and components
Fully updated to ASP.NET Core 7.0! In ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition Microsoft MVP Andrew Lock teaches you how you can use your C# and .NET skills to build amazing cross-platform web applications. This revised bestseller reveals the latest .NET patterns, including minimal APIs and minimal hosting. Even if you've never worked with ASP.NET, you'll start creating productive cross-platform web apps fast. Illustrations and annotated code make learning visual and easy.
About the Technology
The ASP.NET Core web framework delivers everything you need to build professional-quality web applications. With productivity-boosting libraries for server-side rendering, secure APIs, easy data access and more, you’ll spend your time implementing features instead of researching syntax and tracking down bugs. This book is your guide.
About the Book
ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition shows you how to create production-grade web applications with ASP.NET Core 7.0. You’ll learn from hands-on examples, insightful illustrations, and nicely explained code. Updated coverage in this Third Edition includes creating minimal APIs, securing APIs with bearer tokens, WebApplicationBuilder, and more.
What's Inside
- Minimal APIs for serving JSON
- Server-side rendering using Razor Pages
- Data access with Entity Framework Core
- Write custom middleware and components
About the Reader
For beginning to intermediate web developers. Examples are in C#.
About the Author
Andrew Lock is a Microsoft MVP who has worked with ASP.NET Core since before its first release.
ASP.NET Core is a big subject. Luckily, there’s a big book! This is my ASP.NET bible.
- Peter Morris, Author of
Masterfully breaks down web programming. This book is a must-read for new and experienced developers alike. It sets the standard in the .NET space.
- Khalid Abuhakmeh, JetBrains
Andrew Lock’s extensive experience and applied advice will truly take any .NET web developer from zero to hero.
- James Hickey, Savvyy Technologies
Fantastic information to help you make the best applications possible. This book stays on my desk.
- Foster Haines, Foster's Website Company
Table of contents
- Chapter 1. Getting started with ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 1. What types of applications can you build?
- Chapter 1. Choosing ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 1. How does ASP.NET Core work?
- Chapter 1. What you’ll learn in this book
- Chapter 1. Summary
- Part 1 Getting started with minimal APIs
- Chapter 2. Understanding ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 2. Why ASP.NET Core was created
- Chapter 2. Understanding the many paradigms of ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 2. When to choose ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 2. Summary
- Chapter 3. Your first application
- Chapter 3. Creating your first ASP.NET Core application
- Chapter 3. Running the web application
- Chapter 3. Understanding the project layout
- Chapter 3. The .csproj project file: Declaring your dependencies
- Chapter 3. Program.cs file: Defining your application
- Chapter 3. Adding functionality to your application
- Chapter 3. Summary
- Chapter 4. Handling requests with the middleware pipeline
- Chapter 4. Combining middleware in a pipeline
- Chapter 4. Handling errors using middleware
- Chapter 4. Summary
- Chapter 5. Creating a JSON API with minimal APIs
- Chapter 5. Defining minimal API endpoints
- Chapter 5. Generating responses with IResult
- Chapter 5. Running common code with endpoint filters
- Chapter 5. Organizing your APIs with route groups
- Chapter 5. Summary
- Chapter 6. Mapping URLs to endpoints using routing
- Chapter 6. Endpoint routing in ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 6. Exploring the route template syntax
- Chapter 6. Generating URLs from route parameters
- Chapter 6. Summary
- Chapter 7. Model binding and validation in minimal APIs
- Chapter 7. Binding simple types to a request
- Chapter 7. Binding complex types to the JSON body
- Chapter 7. Arrays: Simple types or complex types?
- Chapter 7. Making parameters optional with nullables
- Chapter 7. Binding services and special types
- Chapter 7. Custom binding with BindAsync
- Chapter 7. Choosing a binding source
- Chapter 7. Simplifying handlers with AsParameters
- Chapter 7. Handling user input with model validation
- Chapter 7. Summary
- Part 2. Building complete applications
- Chapter 8. An introduction to dependency injection
- Chapter 8. Creating loosely coupled code
- Chapter 8. Using dependency injection in ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 8. Adding ASP.NET Core framework services to the container
- Chapter 8. Using services from the DI container
- Chapter 8. Summary
- Chapter 9. Registering services with dependency injection
- Chapter 9. Registering services using objects and lambdas
- Chapter 9. Registering a service in the container multiple times
- Chapter 9. Understanding lifetimes: When are services created?
- Chapter 9. Resolving scoped services outside a request
- Chapter 9. Summary
- Chapter 10. Configuring an ASP.NET Core application
- Chapter 10. Building a configuration object for your app
- Chapter 10. Using strongly typed settings with the options pattern
- Chapter 10. Configuring an application for multiple environments
- Chapter 10. Summary
- Chapter 11. Documenting APIs with OpenAPI
- Chapter 11. Testing your APIs with Swagger UI
- Chapter 11. Adding metadata to your minimal APIs
- Chapter 11. Generating strongly typed clients with NSwag
- Chapter 11. Adding descriptions and summaries to your endpoints
- Chapter 11. Knowing the limitations of OpenAPI
- Chapter 11. Summary
- Chapter 12. Saving data with Entity Framework Core
- Chapter 12. Adding EF Core to an application
- Chapter 12. Managing changes with migrations
- Chapter 12. Querying data from and saving data to the database
- Chapter 12. Using EF Core in production applications
- Chapter 12. Summary
- Part 3. Generating HTML with Razor Pages and MVC
- Chapter 13. Creating a website with Razor Pages
- Chapter 13. Exploring a typical Razor Page
- Chapter 13. Understanding the MVC design pattern
- Chapter 13. Applying the MVC design pattern to Razor Pages
- Chapter 13. Summary
- Chapter 14. Mapping URLs to Razor Pages using routing
- Chapter 14. Convention-based routing vs. explicit routing
- Chapter 14. Routing requests to Razor Pages
- Chapter 14. Customizing Razor Page route templates
- Chapter 14. Generating URLs for Razor Pages
- Chapter 14. Customizing conventions with Razor Pages
- Chapter 14. Summary
- Chapter 15. Generating responses with page handlers in Razor Pages
- Chapter 15. Selecting a page handler to invoke
- Chapter 15. Accepting parameters to page handlers
- Chapter 15. Returning IActionResult responses
- Chapter 15. Handler status codes with StatusCodePagesMiddleware
- Chapter 15. Summary
- Chapter 16. Binding and validating requests with Razor Pages
- Chapter 16. From request to binding model: Making the request useful
- Chapter 16. Validating binding models
- Chapter 16. Organizing your binding models in Razor Pages
- Chapter 16. Summary
- Chapter 17. Rendering HTML using Razor views
- Chapter 17. Creating Razor views
- Chapter 17. Creating dynamic web pages with Razor
- Chapter 17. Layouts, partial views, and _ViewStart
- Chapter 17. Summary
- Chapter 18. Building forms with Tag Helpers
- Chapter 18. Creating forms using Tag Helpers
- Chapter 18. Generating links with the Anchor Tag Helper
- Chapter 18. Cache-busting with the Append Version Tag Helper
- Chapter 18. Using conditional markup with the Environment Tag Helper
- Chapter 18. Summary
- Chapter 19. Creating a website with MVC controllers
- Chapter 19. Your first MVC web application
- Chapter 19. Comparing an MVC controller with a Razor Page PageModel
- Chapter 19. Selecting a view from an MVC controller
- Chapter 19. Choosing between Razor Pages and MVC controllers
- Chapter 19. Summary
- Chapter 20. Creating an HTTP API using web API controllers
- Chapter 20. Applying the MVC design pattern to a web API
- Chapter 20. Attribute routing: Linking action methods to URLs
- Chapter 20. Using common conventions with [ApiController]
- Chapter 20. Generating a response from a model
- Chapter 20. Choosing between web API controllers and minimal APIs
- Chapter 20. Summary
- Chapter 21. The MVC and Razor Pages filter pipeline
- Chapter 21. The Razor Pages filter pipeline
- Chapter 21. Filters or middleware: Which should you choose?
- Chapter 21. Creating a simple filter
- Chapter 21. Adding filters to your actions and Razor Pages
- Chapter 21. Understanding the order of filter execution
- Chapter 21. Summary
- Chapter 22. Creating custom MVC and Razor Page filters
- Chapter 22. Understanding pipeline short-circuiting
- Chapter 22. Using dependency injection with filter attributes
- Chapter 22. Summary
- Part 4. Securing and deploying your applications
- Chapter 23. Authentication: Adding users to your application with Identity
- Chapter 23. What is ASP.NET Core Identity?
- Chapter 23. Creating a project that uses ASP.NET Core Identity
- Chapter 23. Adding ASP.NET Core Identity to an existing project
- Chapter 23. Customizing a page in ASP.NET Core Identity’s default UI
- Chapter 23. Managing users: Adding custom data to users
- Chapter 23. Summary
- Chapter 24. Authorization: Securing your application
- Chapter 24. Authorization in ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 24. Using policies for claims-based authorization
- Chapter 24. Creating custom policies for authorization
- Chapter 24. Controlling access with resource-based authorization
- Chapter 24. Hiding HTML elements from unauthorized users
- Chapter 24. Summary
- Chapter 25. Authentication and authorization for APIs
- Chapter 25. Understanding bearer token authentication
- Chapter 25. Adding JWT bearer authentication to minimal APIs
- Chapter 25. Using the user-jwts tool for local JWT testing
- Chapter 25. Describing your authentication requirements to OpenAPI
- Chapter 25. Applying authorization policies to minimal API endpoints
- Chapter 25. Summary
- Chapter 26. Monitoring and troubleshooting errors with logging
- Chapter 26. Adding log messages to your application
- Chapter 26. Controlling where logs are written using logging providers
- Chapter 26. Changing log verbosity with filtering
- Chapter 26. Structured logging: Creating searchable, useful logs
- Chapter 26. Summary
- Chapter 27. Publishing and deploying your application
- Chapter 27. Publishing your app to IIS
- Chapter 27. Hosting an application in Linux
- Chapter 27. Configuring the URLs for your application
- Chapter 27. Summary
- Chapter 28. Adding HTTPS to an application
- Chapter 28. Using the ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificates
- Chapter 28. Configuring Kestrel with a production HTTPS certificate
- Chapter 28. Enforcing HTTPS for your whole app
- Chapter 28. Summary
- Chapter 29. Improving your application’s security
- Chapter 29. Protecting from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks
- Chapter 29. Calling your web APIs from other domains using CORS
- Chapter 29. Exploring other attack vectors
- Chapter 29. Summary
- Part 5. Going further with ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 30. Building ASP.NET Core apps with the generic host and Startup
- Chapter 30. The Program class: Building a Web Host
- Chapter 30. The Startup class: Configuring your application
- Chapter 30. Creating a custom IHostBuilder
- Chapter 30. Understanding the complexity of the generic host
- Chapter 30. Choosing between the generic host and minimal hosting
- Chapter 30. Summary
- Chapter 31. Advanced configuration of ASP.NET Core
- Chapter 31. Using DI with OptionsBuilder and IConfigureOptions
- Chapter 31. Using a third-party dependency injection container
- Chapter 31. Summary
- Chapter 32. Building custom MVC and Razor Pages components
- Chapter 32. View components: Adding logic to partial views
- Chapter 32. Building a custom validation attribute
- Chapter 32. Replacing the validation framework with FluentValidation
- Chapter 32. Summary
- Chapter 33. Calling remote APIs with IHttpClientFactory
- Chapter 33. Creating HttpClients with IHttpClientFactory
- Chapter 33. Handling transient HTTP errors with Polly
- Chapter 33. Creating a custom HttpMessageHandler
- Chapter 33. Summary
- Chapter 34. Building background tasks and ser vices
- Chapter 34. Creating headless worker services using IHost
- Chapter 34. Coordinating background tasks using Quartz.NET
- Chapter 34. Summary
- Chapter 35. Testing applications with xUnit
- Chapter 35. Creating your first test project with xUnit
- Chapter 35. Running tests with dotnet test
- Chapter 35. Referencing your app from your test project
- Chapter 35. Adding Fact and Theory unit tests
- Chapter 35. Testing failure conditions
- Chapter 35. Summary
- Chapter 36. Testing ASP.NET Core applications
- Chapter 36. Unit testing API controllers and minimal API endpoints
- Chapter 36. Integration testing: Testing your whole app in-memory
- Chapter 36. Isolating the database with an in-memory EF Core provider
- Chapter 36. Summary
- Appendix A. Preparing your development environment
- Appendix A. Choosing an IDE or editor
Product information
- Title: ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition, Video Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2023
- Publisher(s): Manning Publications
- ISBN: None
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